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Sticking stains of bright strawberry
Drizzled with streaks of raspberry
Cherry stains under my fingers
Scarlet blossoms on the pillows

Sweet pie sliced with red rhubarb
Lightning strikes the edge of the sun
My heart pumps something so sickly sweet
Hopes someday you'll remember me

Wings take off with an ice cold wind
Blood trickles through the icy feathers
Can the smell of peach lavender bring me home?
Or are these cuts to deep for me to be okay?

Icy cold touches seem to bring me home
Papers fold, cracks can form
Windows all boarded up after the storm
Can't get in, snow falls again
Icy cold touches seem to disappear
Can you see? It's dark in here.
Windows all shattered in the storm
Feel the pain, the droplets stain

(Inspiration: Polaroids by Meltberry)

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