Chapter 1

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Zenitsu's POV

"Nezuko~chaaan!!" i yelled while chasing her around. she's just way too cute!!

Then tanjiro blocked my way, " zenitsu!! stop chasing her around!"

"Pleeaaseee tanjiroo!! let me just marry her!" i said while holding his hand and begging! why doesnt he just accept!! then i started chasing him around now.

"Zenitsu! stop chasing us around!" he yelled while running.

This kept going on and on and on until they were just left on the ground gasping for air and sweating. i thought wtf was all that for geez. now im really tired and sweaty (that sounds so hot😤)

"hmph! fine! i'll let her go this time! bye~bye~ nezuko~chaan!" i said as i left and just slammed the door. And i didnt want to just sit around and just think so i decided to go take a little walk around the mansion.

I stopped when I found a certain idiot wearing a mask talking to fishes. hee hee hee he's so stupid. But if I talked to him, we would just end up fighting or arguing about stupid things so i just ignored him and continued my walk.

here i am just walking around the mansion and thinking about my cute~ little~ nezuko~chan and saw a eye-catching hot spring and i just looked around, making sure that i take all this gorgeous view and finally, decided to take a little bath.

Tanjiro's POV

ugh i hate zenitsu when he chases around nezuko like that!! he's so persistent and annoying!! he's just always looking and finding a girlfriend and bugging every single girl he meets! i just don't like the thought of him with other women! i dont know why but, i just dont like it! i dont like it!!

i just keep on lately having these heartaches whenever i see him chasing nezuko like that. especially when he's asking her to marry him or when he's giving her flowers. i dont know why but.. it hurts me and its bugging me so much. what is this feeling? maybe im just thinking too much. i'll just go and head to the bath now~

and to my luck, there I see, zenitsu, my best friend, undressing, ready to get in the bath. i just froze up and just tried to comprehend what i was looking at. I just couldnt believe my eyes. I wanted to go and get out but i just looked. I just looked and see his toned abs and his well-shaped body and his cute- NO.NO.NO. I DID NOT JUST CALL HIM CUTE. WE ARE BEST FRIENDS. AND THAT'S ALL.

if thats the case then why am i blushing and freaking out over this? why am i getting distracted and getting flustered over this? maybe im freaking out because im seeing my cute hot best friend nake- ok i see the problem now but I DO NOT LIKE HIM. DEFINITELY. although, im not sure.

and then i see zenitsu climb down the bath and just got a peek of his butt. "ah~ this is so good" what the hell?! what was that?? that was so cute! "hmm?" then we locked eyes for just a while and i again froze up.

It was just an awkward silence and then he finally broke the silence by saying "hey tanjiro, want to take a bath with me?" and i just exploded, i exploded and just ran away yelling "NO THANK YOU!! IM GOOD!"

ughhh stupid zenitsu! he just had to go say things like that!, ugh maybe i should talk to someone about these feelings. its just confusing me so much that im freaking out over him!! is this normal? but i can do this! Im the eldest son after all!

*sigh* maybe i should go talk to shinobu about this. she seems really experienced with this.

~time skip to where he goes to shinobu's room.

*knock knock knock* "Um.. Shinobu-san? May I come in?" "Go right ahead, Kamado-kun!"

"So, what is it you want to ask?" "Umm... its just that im feeling something weird or something new to me.. but i dont know what it is." Saying this is really making me nervous but it was Shinobu-san so i also felt relaxed and ready. "Can you tell me what exactly are you feeling and how do these happen?" She asked with face that looked like she really wanted to know. Ok. Here I go then.

"It's just that, when I see Zenitsu smiling I feel really happy and my heart bounces. And if I see him flirting with other women or when he even goes near them, then my heart will really hurt and i end up looking away sadly. then i just keep thinking about how cute he is sometimes and his smell really relaxes me and really makes me happy. And when i go near him I get really nervous and when he talks to me, i stutter a lot and become flustered and just really makes me happy. What is this exactly?"

"Ahhh, i see now. Ok! I see what you're dealing with Kamado-kun!" She said happily while bouncing around in her chair.

"May i ask what is this?" i was just so confused to what she was so happy about and what she was bouncing around for.

"Oh right! Teehee! See, Kamado-kun, you're inlove with Zenitsu-kun!"



yay!! I just finished the first chapter of my first ever book! gosh i feel so ecstatic! im gonna upload another one soon but im just AHHH- im alright -_- ok thank you for reading!

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