Unexpected: Chapter 27

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Not edited.


-Lucero's Pov-

The first time I fainted was in 8th grade when my science class went to the biology museum. Sarah and I had stuck into the unfinished human body exhibit.  There were brains. I don't like brains. They are very gross.

So I fainted.

I didn't choose to faint. It just happened.

The whole point is that I have fainted so much in the passed month its not even funny.

"You're awake. Finally" RoseEl says from beside my hospital bed.

My body itches. From the inside out.

"I'm itchy." I tell RoseEl while scratching my fore arm.

I stand up from the bed, feeling more energetic than the usual mornings. 

I grab the water bottle from the drawer by the window.

"Its your wolf wanting to come out, has she spoken to you?" RoseEl asks as if that was the most normal thing. Nothing is really normal anymore.

I shake my head.

"Do you have anything for this itchiness?" I ask

"Yep" She says with a smile.


"I don't know how to do this!" I exclaim getting very frustrated.

"First remember to be calm. Dont think about it a lot. Let your inner wolf take over."

I do as told.

After moments of breathing in and out I hear cracking noises.

I open my eyes. My vision is sharper. And I feel stronger. I see RoseEl in front of me. I go to speak but I can't. 

RoseEl looks at me in shock.

Wow, great job.

I hear her say. I hear her in my head. What's this? Telepathy?

I try to talk to her, I ask her what time it was.

3 pm, why?

I talked to her telepathically.

RoseEl lets me run around for a bit. It feels so good. The rush of blood in my veins making me feel like I'm unstoppable. 

We stop after about 2 miles.

RoseEl tell me to change back. I do.

RoseEl get behind a tree and changes to her human form and comes out changed.

"Wow you changed clothes fast" She says.

"I didnt change." I say

"What?" She asks

"You said I changed clothes, I didnt" I tell her.

"You're saying you went back to human form like that" she asks pointing at me. I nod.

"Uhm woah. Anyways. Lets get back to the hospital. We need to talk" she says.

We walk towards the hospital.

"Hey how's Sarah?"  I ask.

"Let's just say Sarah being in love is quite new"

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