Unexpected:Chapter 20

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Damn chapter 20 already!

-Sarah's Pov-

"That's where my demons hide" I sing to myself.

Its been a horrible complete week in this cabin. I can't escape because I'm either tied up to a chair or handcuffed to Elijah.

Right now I am Handcuffed to him. He sleeps comfortably next to me on the living room sofa. During the week here I have only eaten 5 times.So that means one meal a day. I have become weak and pale. 

Up to this day I have had a poor immune system.With me fighting every day with Elijah about not wanting to eat,it wastes my energy.

Surprisingly,he has been nice to me.He hasn't hurt me nor left me to starve, but I still am angry at him for kidnapping me.

Every time I mention going back home he always ends up throwing something and muttering " she can't, She won't want me.They'll take her from me."

I can admit he has scared me to the point I almost cried.

yes,cry. I never cry.

I let a small tear fall from my eye.

What have I done to deserve this? I thought werewolves were cool. I mean, they are, but you know what I mean.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.I get up pulling Elijah and causing him to wake up.

"What's wrong!?" He asks

" Bathroom. now" I say the pain still in my stomach.

I run to the bathroom with him behind me, the pain in my stomach making the pain in my wrist seem like nothing.

I kneel by the toilet and wait for it to come.

" Are you gonna throw up." he says

Before, I can say anything I end up puking right in the toilet. Once I'm done I notice red blood.

"Why did you throw up blood?'' Elijah asks worringly.

I shrug and start to feel dizzy.I stand with Elijah by my side.

Once I take a couple steps I feel my knees go weak.Elijah grabs my waist for support and we make it to the living room.

Before we can get to the couch I end up falling.Elijah gets beside me and I look up to him with a blurry vision and a throbbing pain in my abdomen.

" Help me " I breathe out to him.


 I slowly open my eyes to see a brown ceiling.

This is not the cabin.I look to my side and see a IV in my arm.

I'm in a hospital?

"You're awake! I'm so sorry Sarah!" I turn to see Elijah walk to me from the chair he was sitting in.

"I brought you to the pack's hospital.Its better than the human hospitals"He shrugs.

"Sarah, you're awake! That's amazing." I hear a familiar voice say. Its RoseEL, I smile at her weakly.

"Well we found out you got a cold and you had some internal bleeding too,but everything else in your body is fine." She tell me.

I hear a door open loudly and I see Lucero run to me with Xander and Percy behind her.

I let her hug me tightly, I can't hug back because I'm that weak.

I look at Percy and Xander and I smile at them.

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