Unexpected: Chapter 26

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~Lucero's POV~

"Are you ready to go in?" I hear RoseEl ask me.

I stare at the handle about a feet away from me and reach for it . As soon as I open the door to the hospital room I feel a breeze hit me. 

The smell has some sort of minty but calm fresh cabin smelling scent to it. My heart seems to be racing about 100 miles per hour and I know what it means. 

Xander is my mate.

I see him on the hospital bed and swear I heard my heart shatter from the horrible scene in front of me. Xander has a bandage on his forehead. A cast on his arms and I know below the robe he has numerous cuts. 

Tears come out from my eyes and RoseEl gently leads me to a chair beside his bed. I instantly grab his hand and lay my head on it. 

The wait for him to wake up will be painful. His smell is absolutely wonderful.It still has my heart beating and my mind racing. 

I want him.

Ive never had wanted a person so bad, no not even Channing Tatum. 

I want him not only sexually, but I want him to be mine.I want him to cuddle me and care for me. I want to be there for him and I want to love him with everything I have. 

Those dreamy thoughts stay in my mind and I can't seem to control them. RoseEl mentioned this would happen,I will want Xander more once we make eyecontact for the first time and what is after is more sexual that I prefer not go ahead of myself right now. 

I need to focuse on watching out that I will be ready when Xander needs me to be.


Time passes and Sarah nor Elijah have had any change with them. It worries me that Sarah will not wake up in time for Elijah.

Its been a whole 7 hours later. I have not slept worrying about  Xander. 

I silently laugh at how my life has changed. From the passing of my parents to surprisingly working up to getting a small house and now I am here. 

I have a mate, I'm a werewolf aswell as my best friend , and the life of someone is in my hands. 

I sigh and crack my back relaxing my back a bit. I'm surprised that I'm doing perfectly fine. I'll still have to shift and that really scares me.

All of a sudden the heart moniter starts beeping.

I stand and hurry to press the emergency button. Xander starts to shake vigerously.

A doctor and RoseEl run in and by the look on RoseEl's face I sense that its time. 

I freeze. 

I can't do this. 

What if I mess up?

What if I kill him?! 

"Lucero! We need to do it now!" RoseEl exclaims

She grabs me shoulders and shakes me a bit making me look into her eyes.

" You can do this." She whispers.

I nod nervously and walk to the head of the hospital bed.

The doctor on the other side facing me. He moves Xander's head to the side making his neck more accessible. I shudder at the thought that I'd have to bite him.

" Place your head on the crook of his neck and when I tell you to bite. just bite as fast as you can and stay like that.You'll know when to stop.Your body will know when to stop giving him your medicine" 

I do as told and after about 3 minutes of hearing that annoying heart monitor it suddenly stops.

"Now." The doctor commands and I bite into Xander's neck.

Before I bite harder I feel my two side teeth pierce deep into his neck.As if I had vampire teeth.

All of a sudden I feel my body give something. I can't seem to explain it. I knew it was the medicine though. I felt like part of my soul was being given to Xander. Not in a negative way, it was powerful though.

It stops and I pull back and I stand straight. 

Two seconds later I feel dizzy and faint.


Hope you all wonderful people like this chapter. Comment what you think.

BTW: I'm pledged to do the 30-day writing challenge!!

Tell me. What will you be doing this thanksgiving?


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