Unexpected: Chapter 22

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~Lucero's POV~

"Wait wait wait. You're telling, That Xander confessed you are his mate and that he likes you and then you rejected him, and Sarah confessed her small liking on Elijah and he officially reject Sarah?" Percy says standing in front of us , Sarah and I sitting on the couch.

I nod.

Percy gives us the "The hell?" Face.

"So much drama. I dont like it" Percy says in a sing-song voice while walking to the love couch and laying on it.

"Tell me about it. I feel bad for rejecting him but I feel lied to" I tell him

He sits up

"Look. Im not going to sugarcoat shit here so let me tell you what I think... that's bullshit. lied to?! really?! He was homeless when you found him! His dad didnt give a damn bout him. He finds out he is a wolf and the next alpha. What do you think he feels like right now? Every fight wolf is going out to fight today. He is probably scared! He doesnt live here in this safe home. He is surrounded by wolf and strong powerful people! The love for a mate is strong and it makes you feel safe and happy!" He says with a slight smile.

"He is feeling like crap probably. You feeling lied to is crap, Lucero. I'm not gonna tell you that stupid girl stuff like 'oh honey, you should feel lied too, he is a dick, blah blah blah.' No. I love you Lucero. you're my best friend practically now I'm telling you the real shit here " He finishes.

I look at him knowing what he said was true. I shouldn't be a whiny girl being sad and all. I should be there for him.

I look over to sarah and see her already looking at me. She nods saying she agrees with Percy.

"And to you Sarah. You made Elijah wait so much. I've known him since 2nd grade. we were never close, but ive seen every horrible thing he has gone through. of course that would be his reaction. Don't feel so guilty. Just a little. but its not mostly your fault " Percy says.

Sarah chuckles. " The perks of having a guy best friend.He tell you the real shit" She says.

Percy smile triumphantly.

oh this man.

"So can y'all stop moping around and have some positive energy? Angels dont do good with negative energy" He grunts.

Sarah and I both laugh. I throw the un-opened bag of lays at him and he gladly opens them and starts devowering them.


"RoseEl is not going to be at her house early and I promised her I'll fix her computer and I forgot to bring it here.So, you girls wanna come with?" Percy offers

After 2 movies and 3 bags of chips, Percy needs to go.

" I can go, only if I can go in PJs though" Sarah says and I nod.

Percy says yes and we get up and take our phones and keys following Percy out the door.

He drives us to the woods and takes the little secret route which lead more into the woods. We get to the familiar gate and they let us in.

Percy drives through the small road to get to RoseEl's house.

I swear I find it so interesting being here.

Once you get through the gates there is a straight road about 1/2 mile down and then the main pack house is in the middle. Kind of like a cityhall looking thing and there is a market and some small stores they have built. With of course about 50 house around. The wall slash gate protecting this town. Apperantly no one really knows about this place because it is provate property.

"You gonna get out?" percy asks me.

I realised we were at RoseEl's house and that I had dozed off.

I quickly get out of the xar and Inside the house.

After Percy fixed RoseEl's computer. we decided to help elijah make Mac & cheese.

Three people to make Mac & Cheese. Don't ask.

We finish with everything and sit down to eat. After 5 minutes, RoseEl is calling and Percy puts her on speaker .

"Hi RoseEl" We all yell into the phone.

"Hi, um a lot of the the fight wolfs got hurt. Like really hurt and they are going to get here in 5 minutes. I just wanted to tell you guys... especially Sarah and Lucero." She stutters out .

Percy talks to RoseEl for about 2 minutes while we get ready to walk to the wolf hospital. We get there to see a lot of people getting rushed in. They are all the fight wolves.

We stand in the waiting room seeing 3 fight wolves coming in every 5 minutes.Some seemed to have a couple scratches that were healing fast. Some had broken bones that had been popped back. Others were really messed up, Their body was not healing well because they were unconcious.

I stand there nervously waiting to see if Xander and Elijah would come any second.

After about 5 more minutes I recognize Xander's face. I gasp

Bruises forming on his face and body,unconsious with scratches and deep cuts. The side of his head bleeding,people trying to find the source of the bleeding. One of the doctors cuts his shirt open and I almost faint at the sight in front of me. There is a huge open cute diagonally across his abdomen. The doctors start pushing him into another room in a stretcher.

Elijah isnt any better.He looked pale,he was definately unconcious. His shirt had been already cut and you can see that he had three long scratch marks across his chest. He had multiple cuts and bruises. It seems as if Elijah,Xander, and so many other couldn't heal themselves.

That's when I realized. They were dying.


Hope you like this chapter ya'll.

To everyone who reads my author's note comment "Death " and answer the following question

Q: What do you think will happen next?

I want to see the real readers who take their time to read this. :)

I love you guys:)


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