Unexpected: Chapter 24

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not edited 

-Lucero's POV-

I slowly open my eyes,Getting in and out of consciousness. I hear an echo of voices,they come and they go. 

"Lucero. Open your eyes, honey.C'mon wake up" I hear ,what seems to be RoseEl, say. 

I start to focus on my surroundings.My vision being a little cloudy, I can only make up the cream colored walls and some lights. 

Am I on the floor? 

I sit up slowly and I rub my eyes.After a bit of calm breathing and focus, I am able to see that RoseEl as well as Sarah on either side of me. 

I suddenly remember everything. 

I fainted.

Xander and Elijah are dying

To save them Sarah and I need to become a wolf?!

"X-Xander? Elijah? Are they-" I start to say getting up at the exact time resulting in light-headedness.

"They are still alive." RoseEl reassures.

I nod and look at Sarah and throw my arms around her, hugging her like it was our last moment. She lays her head on my shoulder as I do to hers. I feel her shake. 

She's crying

I feel a lump in my throat and in no less than 3 seconds I feel tears running down my warm cheeks. 

"I'm doing it" I hear Sarah whisper. 

She's becoming a wolf. She is taking that huge change into her life to save someone she really cares about, a person she could come to love romantically for the first time in her life.

I smile

I hug her tighter showing her that I also will be changing. I'm doing it for Xander and myself. I know the conciquences and I know what could happen if I do something wrong,but if I don't do it.

I will live in guilt for not saving a friend, who turned out to be my mate. 

I sigh and I release Sarah and RoseEl takes us into another more quieter room with another person in their.

" This is Mr.Aide, He will be a witness and he will supervise. He will see if I am doing everything correctly." Sarah and I nod standing next to each other.

The room is about the size of half a regular highschool classroom. RoseEl leads us to our own hospital beds. She ties our arms and legs and torso. 

" This is neccesary so you won't interupt the bite. Okay, so I will bite into you guys seperately.Sadly, there is no numbing pill or anything. The bite will contain a sort of bacteria that wolfs have and the process will begin" She explains. 

I nod and take a breathe in. 

" I'll go first" I blurt out in spur of the moment. 

RoseEL nods and puts headphones on Sarah and asks her to turn away for the sake of it. 

I start to become more and more nervous. I feel my body begin to shake in fear and nervousness. 

RoseEl tell me to close my eyes and then I feel her grab my left arm.I feel her getting closer to my wrist.

 My stomach is in knots and I start to get dizzy. 

Then, I feel the worst sharp pain on my wrist. I let out a heart-screeching scream trying to break free of her mouth. The pain starts spreading throughout my body.

I can't scream anymore. The pain is too much.

I feel blood drippling from my hand. I begin to feel numbness on my arm.  I open my eyes,It only lasts about 2 seconds and I close them again.

I am crying,screaming again! It hurts too much.

"Please. I can't" I try to beg. I know she won't stop.

Then lastly I feel a pain worser than the one I just had. Its like a sudden shock of pain throughout my body. Like being tazered and its just too much for my body to handle.

I don't know for how long I was screaming for, after what felt like an eternity I suddenly become numb.
I'm the one with the headphones on me now and my head is turned away from Sarah. I can't hear a thing. 

I feel tired. I look at my arm and see that Mr.Aide has been bandaging it this whole time. I'm so unaware of what my body is feeling right now. 

My body seems to be trapped with itself.Trying to fight somthing,but loosing. I finally can't take it anymore and I doze off.



Hope you all like this chapter:)


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