Unexpected: Chapter 25

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Not edited (there was a wierd mess up with this chapter)

She takes a long exclaiminh gasp. After a whole 24 hour sleep, she's finally awake.Lucero feels her heart beat so fast she feels as if she just ran a marathon

-Lucero's POV-

I feel the blood in my blood rush through my veins. I feel alive, lighter, and stronger.

I decide on sitting up from my hospital bed. I stand, getting my legs used tk walking again. Nothing is connected to me so I easily get out of the humid room.

I need fresh air. I need to get out of this place.

Claustrophobia hitting me harder and harder with every step.

I dind an exit and push the door with more force than I had intended. I'm now in some sort of garden.

A strong breeze hits me and my body calms
I imhale the cold air and spot a clock on top of the exit sign

5:47 PM

I get back I side and start walking to my hospital hoping I could find my phone and call RoseEl.

Suddenly my body gives out and I stumble to the ground.

What's happening?

My chest hurts, my body aches and burns, and I'm even starting to tear up. Seconds after I hear the intercome go off

"Doctor to wing E, room 307"
307..307? I know that room.


My vision blurs and I feel light-headed.

"Lucero!!" I hear a familiar voice exclaim.

I look up from my crouched position amd make up a femal. Its RoseEl.

"C'mon lets get you to your room. I'll explain your feelings right now" she comforts me while she helps me up.

Once we get to my hospital room, I lay on the bed and RoseEl sits on the chair besides the bed.
"I'm happy you are up"she smiles. I nod not having the energy to do anythinh

"I know you're tired. Xander almost flat lined and that was your body reacting to it. Since you are mates and all." She says.

I nod, understanding.

"You're lucky it was just that. If you guys would have mated. It would of been more torturous.

My eyes widen and she shrugs.

"I will give you pain killers in a bit, but we need to move you to Xander's room.We need you there at all times now. We need to be ready." She explains.

"So am I a wolf?"I blurt out.

"Yes Lucero,  you are a wolf" she smiles.




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