Unexpected:Chapter 11

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~Lucero'sPOV ~

"Lucero,Lucero wake up"I hear a male voice say while I'm being shooken.

"mmm no"I murmur still half asleep.

"I have to go pee"I hear the same voice say while laughing.


I look up and see Xander looking down at me . That's not what catches my eye though. Its his hair. Its messy

in hot way

I bite my lip .

" Lucero I really need to go pee"Xander exclaims.

"Oh!!"I say

I quickly get off him and then he starts to quickly run to the bathroom.

I check the Time and see its 8:36

I sigh and plop on the love seat with the blanket. I'm too tired to be awake.

After about 5 minutes I am being lifted up by Xander and he walks me to my room.
Once he sets me on the bed he gets in too

I don't move nor complain,I just let him.

"Go back to sleep baby"He whispers in my ear

I've never been called "baby" in that way before. It sounds perfect coming from his lips though.

I cuddle closer to him and fall asleep quickly.

~Xander'sPOV ~

*30 minutes later*

Its been half and hour since Lucero fell asleep again.

She looks so cute like a little bunny!


I look at the clock,it read 9:06.

Slowly,I get out of Lucero's bed and decide to make her a sweet breakfast.


I ended up making blueberry Pancakes drizzled with melted chocolate and chocolate cover strawberries.


I really hope she likes it.

I walk to Lucero's room with the food and I see her waking up already.

"Hey"She says once she sees me.

"Hey.Eat up"I tell her

"Aw Thank you"She thanks me.

I wait for her to start eating,nervous about her reaction to the taste.

Yes I'm trying to impress her because if you already didn't figure it out,I have feelings for Lucero.Ever since the day I saw her I felt somethingand each day that feeling has been getting stronger and stronger.

"God this is delicious!!!!"She exclaims

I sigh in relief.

"oh god I thought you wouldn't like it"I say

"well this is amazing"She comments.



UnexpectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora