Unexpected: Chapter 19

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This chapter is for Sarah !!! like my actual friend sarah not the book sarah. Get me?

-Sarah's Pov-

Pain shoots through my chest as I take a breathe in.I cough out which causes my throat to burn a whole lot more.

I open my eyes slowly to see I'm on a chair that is against a wall in a dim-lighted room.

My hands are tied back which prevents me from breathing normally.My thighs have rope tide around them and the chair causing me less movement.

Realization hits me.Ive been kidnapped.

"what the-" I start but get interupted by a lock opening.I turn to the direction the noise is coming from.

I start trying to get out of the rope around my hands,but it is absolutely useless.

I groan in pain.My hands are throbbing more than they were before.I close my eyes and try to relax.

"Hello Sarah.How have you been?" I hear an awfully familiar voice say getting closer and closer, then close enough so I can feel his breathe.

" El-Elijah?"I stutter in fear. I open my eyes and gasp when I see Elijah very close to me.

"Yes.Its me." He grabs my chin roughly making me look into his eyes.

"We are going to have some fun." He smirks.

"Ha fuck no" I turn my head sideway.

"You are my mate!You are supose to love me and never leave my side!" He yells.

He gets behind me and unties me from the chair.He then next heads to my thighs and legs.

I feel so much better, not a lot of pain but I can see I have dark red marks on me.

Elijah turns the light on and grabs my forearm tightly.If he would of done that before it would of not hurt, but I feel so weak.

"What did you do to me?" I question elijah.

"Don't worry about it you still have the drug in your body, it will go away"He assures leading me to a small living room.

"Drug as in pill or as in the Clothe?"I ask

"Clothe.Stop asking questions.Sit down"He says.

"What? no.Just let me go elijah.Stop being an ass!"I say annoyed.

"I'm not an ass.Sit the fuck down"He yells pushing me on the sofa.

I'm going to be honest. I am scared, he's strong and can easily hurt me.

My hear pumps faster.

"What movie do you want to see?"He asks me in a sudden nice mood.

I shrug.

I take a moment to look around and notice we are in a small cabin, which I'm guessing we are in the woods and who knows how far away from Lucero and everyone.


She must be worried.

I check my pockets and I realize that Elijah took my phone.

I get Interrupted by Elijah sitting next to me.

"Come here" He motion for me to sit closer to him.

I stay still and I feel him pull me towards him.

"Don't you dare move " He growls.

I Ignore his command and and move to the other side of the couch.

He scoots to me and grab me roughly from the waist limiting my moving ability, then I feel a pain on my side.

I try to look down and I spot blood.I realize that he had stabbed me with one of his claws that he had taken out.

"S-stop please"I stutter

I slowly start feeling drowsy. He pulls out the claw and carries me to what seems to be a bathroom.

I get laid on the floor and Elijah starts to pull out a first aid kit.

"Stop.Don't.Touch me."I tell him

"Shut up! If you listened, I would of never done that to you!"He says gritting his teeth and applying pressure to my wound.

"Stop you son of a bitch!" I scream at him still in pain.

"No! God damn it. You caused me to do this!"He says with a tear running down his cheek.

Is this guy bipolar?


3 days later and no one has found me.

During these three days I realized that elijah had ruined my phone so no one knew where I was.

We were in a place with snow, so we werent close to home.

Ive barly eaten, one because I refused to eat what he gives me.

"Sarah eat right now!"Elijah demands grabbing my hand and placing the fork on ny palm.

He's become more agressive, but then he calms down.

Its like he is having a war in his head and I know it isnt safe.

"Just let me be"I mutter feeling tired.

"Fine go to sleep" He says angrily while grabbing my fore arm and taking me to the small room where there is a full size bed.

"Can you tell me where we are?"I ask him afraid to get a bad reaction out of him.

"Alaska" he says and steps out of the room.

I'm in Alaska.



so this is another chapter.

I hope you really like this chapter!



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