
56 0 0

Additional accounts: not telling :)
Time zone: eastern
Availability: 9am-11:30pm on weekdays except Fridays and Saturdays and sometimes Sunday.
Genres: any. I like fantasy and adventure
Genres: fanficions and wimpy romances. And just plain weird stuff
Plot lines: survival with some romance
Plot lines: anything related to pedophilia
Length preference: not to long, not to short
Plots: I'll pm it if you want to rp with me
Ratings: usually pg13 or R but R depends
Rating tolerance: lowest is pg hinges is R but it depends for R
Double up: no
Sexualities: BxG
Roleplay characters: I have a ton so if you are interested I'll tell you then
Fanfic: none

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2014 ⏰

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