
42 0 0

Username: Motivational-Aradia
Additional Accounts: None
Timezome: EST
Availability: 8am-3pm on weekdays. Not on weekends.
Genres I do: anything
Genres I don't do: incest, rape, etc.
Plotlines I like: go with the flow most of the time
Plotlines I hate: none so far!
Length preference: Please not a one line thing, a little lengthy please!
Length tolerance: Not a HUGE paragraph! 500 words at MOST
Any plots: go with the flow!
Ratings: not G or pg...
Ratings tolerance: I'll do anything but G or PG
Double up?: Sure!
Sexualities: Only heterosexual (BxG) I don't do BxB or GxG
Roleplay characters: Too many to put, we can discuss in PM
Fanfics: None, but might do some homestuck in the future...

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