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Username: MoonlitFeatheryWings

Additional Accounts: well, I have others, but this is my only roleplay, I'll just put no XD

Timezone: Mountain (in the USA)

Availability: um, pretty much any time.

Genres I do: hybrid (like, mutant roleplays), elemental, mermaid, most fandom roleplays (that I'm in the fandom of, of course) such as Teen Titans, Harry Potter, Merlin, etc

Genres I won't do: oh, a lot. Ahem. Slave roleplays, anime, werewolf and/or vampire, angel and/or demon, um...there are more, I'm sure...

Plot lines I like: multi-perspective, slightly complicated ones with multiple, diverse characters

Plot lines I hate: anything centered around romance, real life roleplays (I roleplay to pretend I'm something impossible, not just another human being *rolls eyes*), anything that doesn't have a basic plot to begin with

Length Preference: a 4 or 5 line paragraph on average

Length tolerance: anything from one or two sentences to about half the character limit

Any plots: those can be decided OOC or in PM

Ratings: G or PG

Ratings tolerance: I will not do anything with swearing, sexuality (even jokes about it), immorality, extreme violence (I'll do the dark roleplay here and there, but I don't like constant violence), etc

Double up: sure

Sexualities: GxB only

Roleplay characters: I always make new ones per roleplay

Fanfics: like, what fandoms am I in? Teen Titans, Young Justice, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Merlin, Doctor Who, H2o: Just Add Water, Inception (oh, please, somebody do an Inception roleplay with me!), Maximum Ride, Divergent...

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