
63 1 0

Username: Canaan

Time zone :central

Availability: almost always if not you'll get a prewarning genres

I do: romance (anything romance) , fantasy/romance, studentxteacher, slavexmaster, bdsm, incest genres

I don't do: um I don't think I have any so just ask first

Plot lines I like: um all types?

Plot lines I hate: when you make the plot all about your character

Length preference: a sentence or more

Length tolerance: a paragraph you should run out of room

Any plots: pm me

Rating: I prefer R or M but I can do pg-13

Rating tolerance: wont go under pg-13

Double up: if you can't play only a guy then yes we will double up sexualities: GxB, GxG BxB

Role play characters: I have so many that change so pm

Fanfics: um just ask usually don't do them but sometimes I'll feel like doing one

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