
85 0 0

Username: @AdrienaMarcell

Additional Accounts: None

Timezone: Western (I'm not sure, sorry,)

Availability: Weekdays; Any time before or after 7:30 to 4:30. Weekends; When ever

Genres I do: Romance, Mystery, BBC's Sherlock, and Doctor Who (If those last two count).

Genres I don't do: I think I will do almost all of them. It depends

Plot lines I like: Any

Plot lines I don't like: None

Length Preference: Any

Length Tolerance: Any

Any Plots: I'm not sure, we can talk lately.

Ratings: Doesn't matter. I'll do anything.

Rating Tolerance: None?

Double up: No, I prefer just RPing with a single person

Sexuality: GxB, BxB

Fanfics: Sorry, I really don't know.

Roleplay Characters: None at the moment

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