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Username: _TheLadyMorgana_

No additional accounts

Timezone: Central Time

Availability: I do not a crystal clear answer for that. So, I would say anytime is good and If I am not on leave my a PM and I'll answer whenever I am done with doing whatever.

Genres I do: Sci-fi, Crime/Mystery, Fantasy, horror/love story and Sci-fi/love story/adventure.

Genres I won't do: Anime

Plot line I like: Will, I don't really rp with a plot in less I have something in mind. I usually start rps and that is when I give them a plot line or not.

There are no plot lines I hate.

I don't have a length preference.

length tolerance: If it is too long and a waste of my time, I won't read all of it.

Any Plots? PM

Rating P-R

I do not have a rating tolerance. I like my sex in my rps, so it really doesn't matter to me.

Double up?: No more then 5 and we have to spit them.

Sexualities: To do gay, that is kinda wired. BUT I am willed to try anything, but also PM.

RP characters. Like just in general? Okay. Will if you want to check them out then go ahead on my bio. But really for this question I would like to PM.

Fan-fics: The Others Original book) and TARDIS Mirrors (DW fanfic) I am hoping to write more!

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