
56 0 0

Username: ZannaGrey

Additional account: None

Timezone: Pacific

Availability: On a lot, sometimes in the mornings as well. Weekends Im on most of the time.

Genres I do: Willing to do most aslong as it has romance.

Genres I wont do: Aliens. No fucking aliens they creep the fuck out of me.

Plots I like: WerewolfxHuman, VampirexHuman, BDSM, SlavexMaster, Good girlxBad boy, One night stand turning into a teen pregancy, ect. We can always plan a different plot in PM if you dont like these ones.

Plots I hate: Aliens. No. Just no.

Length preference: More then 1 or 2 lines, and I will try aswell.

Length tolerance: Doesnt matter.

Ratings: R-rated prefebly

Ratings tolerance: Anything pg13 and up.

Double up?: Sure.

Sexualities: GxB or, even though Ive only tried this once or twice, GxG.

Roleplay characters:

Fanfics: Nope. I suck at them.

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