
39 0 0

Username: poison17

Additional accounts: don't have any

Time zone: Central

Availability: every day all day usually

Genres I do: romance, horror, fantasy, fiction, fan fiction, vampire, magic, and I'm just gonna say about anything. Lol

Genres I don't do: anime or dragons

Plotlines I have: I have a wild mind so just pm me to find out.

Plotlines I hate: dunno.

Length preference: the longer the better. So I have more to work with.

Length tolerance: more than three lines.

Any plots: we can talk about it in pm

Ratings: I prefer r

Rating tolerance: nothing below PG 13

Double up?: Sure

Sexualities: anything. BxB GxG BxG

Roleplay characters: several. Blair, Cat, Lana, Kyle and I have two in a wolf pack role play that hasn't started yet.

Fan fics: twilight, Harry potter, vampire academy, Jackass, certain band fics and other.

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