
45 0 0

Username: BmaieF

Timezone: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

Availability: Most of the time, except I may disappear on Thursdays due to college.

Genres I do: Romance, teen fic, some fanfic

genres I don't do: Horror, gory, historical

length preference: 250+ characters

length tolerance: I like long paragraphs, no one or two liners.

plot lines I like: It varies, we can discuss in PM.

plot lines I don't like: I haven't really found any I dislike yet.

Any plots: Again we can talk in PM.

rating: I do any rating.

rating tolerance: I'm okay with R-rated.

double up: I prefer to.

sexuality: BXG, I'm uncomfortable doing same sex.

role play characters: I don't have any specific characters.

Fanfics: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (we create our own characters ...)Username: BmaieF

Timezone: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

Availability: Most of the time, except I may disappear on Thursdays due to college.

Genres I do: Romance, teen fic, some fanfic

genres I don't do: Horror, gory, historical

length preference: 250+ characters

length tolerance: I like long paragraphs, no one or two liners.

plot lines I like: It varies, we can discuss in PM.

plot lines I don't like: I haven't really found any I dislike yet.

Any plots: Again we can talk in PM.

rating: I do any rating.

rating tolerance: I'm okay with R-rated.

double up: I prefer to.

sexuality: BXG, I'm uncomfortable doing same sex.

role play characters: I don't have any specific characters.

Fanfics: Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (we create our own characters ...)

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