
62 0 0

Username: atrocious-

Additional Accounts: don't have any :)

TimeZone: GMT (Dublin, London)

Availability: everyday, basically. but I'm at school until 4 o'clock.

Genres I do: teen-fic, fantasy, vampire, student x teacher, step-incest, action, werewolf [everything, basically :)]

Genres I don't do: fan-fic, but other than that no.

Plotlines I like: I have a good few, but PM me if you have any yourself.

Plotlines I hate: umm..I don't think I have any..

Length Preference: You must write long & detailed, or else the roleplay just gets boring :/ 200+ words, if you can. just don't send me five lines.

Length Tolerance: if it's more than a couple of lines, I'm happy :)

Any plots: we'll decide ourselves

Ratings: I'd rather r-rated

Ratings tolerance: just nothing under pg-13

Double up?: nah..

Sexualities: I only do GxG (don't judge)

Roleplay characters: I have a few, too many to put up here XD

fan-fics: none, really :/

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