
68 0 0

Username: xxpurplebluexx

Timezone: GMT +8

Availability: Almost everyday from 7-11 during weekdays and almost every time during weekends. But sometimes, I go out too so or got busy so my replies would be a little late.

Genres I do: romance, teen fiction, lovexhate, studentxteacher, bdsm, horror (never tried it before but I'm willing)

genres I don't do: fanfictions, historical, anime, incest and maybe sci-fi

length preference: 200+ characters. One and two liners bore me.

length tolerance: a paragraph maybe

plot lines I like: well polished plot lines and maybe the bdsm ones.

plot lines I don't like: when we suddenly just jump into the RP, it gets boring and confusing after awhile.

Any plots: we could talk about that in PM

rating: I prefer Rated R but I can tolerate PG13.

rating tolerance: I won't do G and PG.

double up: I like this since it's fair, but it all depends on the RP if it's needed.

sexuality: BxB, GxG (never really tried it but I'm willing) and BxG.

role play characters: I use many so that's another PM thing.

Fanfics: None

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