
60 0 0

Username: BelladonnasAconitum

Time Zone: Hmm... GMT.

Availability: I'm always on.

Genres I do: All, as long as it includes a lot of romance.

Genres I don't do: I'm not keen on realistic fiction, but I'll do it.

Plot lines I like: All.

Plot lines I hate: None.

Length preference: At least four hundred characters.

Length tolerance: As long as is all in one reply, I don't mind.

Any plots? I have way too many to share. Private message me and we'll talk.

Rating: R and M.

Rating tolerance: I will do PG-13 if we have to, but I don't like it. I won't go under PG-13.

Double up? When doing BoyxBoy, no. When doing BoyxGirl, I've got a girl and you can't just play the boy, then yes (when I'm not playing a girl and I'm playing a boy, then no).

Sexuality: GirlxBoy (Heterosexual) and BoyxBoy (Homosexual). Although, I prefer to do BoyxBoy.

Roleplay characters:

Fanfictions: I do some. Mainly The Mortal Instruments and Harry Potter.

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