
45 1 3

Username: Artemis_Timelady

Additional accounts: Uhh not really...

Timezone: Eastern time (US and Canada)

Availability: Meh right now I'm really busy so I'll be off and on...

Genres I do: Almost anything.. I prefer fantasy.

Genres I don't do: R-rated BxB GxG and I would prefer no werewolf.

Plotlines I like: They have to get my creative jiuces flowing. But I don't require much.

Plotline NoNo's: I don't really have any. Just din't go all crazy.

Length's preference: Medium no text talk. Doesn't have to be drawingly long. Just two or three sentences. And I'm not that strict with it.

Plots: yeah.. we can talk about it in PM

Rating: PG-PG 13

Rating tolorence: NO R WHATSOEVER PG13 at the highest.

double up: Sure.

Sexaulities: BxG Would prefer not to do GxG BxB But I might... if you're a good roleplayer.

roleplay characters: I have a lot.. I'll tell you if you'd like.

Fanfic: Sure! I do a lot Dr. Who, Percy Jackson, LOTR, marvels.. and many many more.

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