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"put your hands up!" the cop takes away the man while the woman rushes to me.

"hey, hey, hey," she tries talking to me but i already felt nauseous with the sight of my blood. i smiled at her. 

"are you okay?" i asked, despite seeing her panic and cover the stab wound. she nods while sobbing and i lean my head back to the wall.

"hyerin!" dohyun runs to me, worried and scared written all over his face. 

"go," i softly said with a smile on my face. "i wouldn't want you to see me like this." he harshly shakes his head sidewards and i chuckle lightly.

"no, please," he sobs in front of me while muttering those words. "im so sorry, this is all my fault." i nonchalantly shook my head, unable to gather energy to speak anymore. he kept apologizing but i cant do anything. i felt dizzy, and as time passed by, my mind feels numb. i kept blinking, and i want to sleep. "no, no, no, don't close your eyes. stay with me," dohyun sobs much harder, and i try to fight the sleepiness. "the ambulance are on their way, okay?" he kept talking to me which helped me.

the ambulance came and they quickly put me in there. 

and the last thing i knew, i was being dragged to the icu.


"baby, please," i hear my mom sob and caressed my forehead. i blink repeatedly and everyone rushed to me. i still felt tired, so i didn't say anything, "thank you, thank you," she held my hand tight, and i just smiled.

"hyerin-ah," dohyun rushes to my other side and holds my hand. a tear rolls out of his eyes and he looks he hasn't slept for days because of the dark round circles under his eyes. "im so sorry, its all my fault," i scoffed at his remark. it was one of the lines i heard before blacking out, and one of the first line i heard after i wake up.

i gained all of my energy and sat up, removing the oxygen mask i was wearing and smiling at them. mom assisted me up and took the mask away from me. 

"how long?" i asked them shortly as i touched my stomach where i was stabbed. 

"a week," dongho sighs, making his way to me with pitiful eyes. "are you okay now?" i nodded and looked around. jinsuk and mom was there, eunhee, dongho, dohyun, bohyun and yoosung was all there. i bowed at them when i looked at them and they just waved at me.

"we'll give you time to talk," mom said as they started going out one by one.

"hyerin-ah," dohyun started as he caressed my palm. "im really sorry." he uneasily shifted his eyes to my hand he was holding and my eyes. "i should be the one on your place, i should've be the one who went inside first. i should've gone sooner inside," he sobs with a frown on his face, hiding his face behind our intertwined hands until he kneels

"no, dohyun-ah," i brush his stray hair away from his face when i lift his chin up. "stand up," he stands up as i pull his arm. "nothing was your fault, don't take the blame for what i did," i smiled reassuringly at him. "and why.." i muttered as i leaned closer to his face, wiping his tears away. "do you look like this?" i softly poke under his eyes. 

"i haven't slept," he honestly muttered. "im really sorry, hyerin." another tear rolled so i wiped it for him. he chuckles, "i really am," i shook my head lightly, then suddenly, the door barged open and it revealed bohyun, eunhee, dongho and yoosung discreetly eavesdropping. mom and jinsuk were just staring at them with playful disgrace. 

"come in," i chuckle and they all got in. those few hours, we chatted until i asked them all to sleep and rest after i heard that they haven't rest while i was out. "sleep, while i go out for some fresh air," i smiled at them and took the iv stand.

"will you be okay?" my mom asked and i nodded while smiling. my eyes went around the room first before leaving. dohyun was already sleeping in the seat couch, jinsuk was sleeping on the longer couch, and my mom was fixing the mattress on the floor. dongho, eunhee and yoosung were playing rock, paper, scissors to see who'll get the hospital bed, the losers will be sleeping on the chairs. 

"i'll go with you," bohyun suddenly appeared beside me.

"no, you go rest." i smiled at him and tried pushing him but he resisted it.

"i slept more than these people combined." he pouted around the room which made me chuckle. "i feel the real energy inside me after a week," he smiled at me, then pushed me out of the room through the garden.

it was dark already, so only few people were there.

"how you feeling?" bohyun asks as he sits beside me on a vacant bench. i hum as a response, inhaling and exhaling the fresh air after a week. "you know," he started which made me look at him with curiosity. "dohyun really feels sorry," he sighs. "he didn't sleep a second after the accident. he didn't go to school," then he looks at me.

"i already feel sorry as is, he blames himself for the whole situation when it was me who was at fault." i puff out air trying to think things out. "i feel like this'll scar him for life," i sigh. "by the way, how was the woman who was abused?" i ask, remembering her just now. 

"she's recovering from her bruises. she wanted to thank you, and to say sorry for having caused you life," i smiled at the message, thinking how she have been through the bullshit. "dohyun.." he started once again before the silence thickened. "he was very worried." he looks at me and inches closer. "since he was worried, yoosung was too," he puts his hand on my shoulder. "i was too." 

"i just have one question.." i muttered, after thinking about what he just said. "does yoosung..?" i hesitantly asked. "like dohyun?" although i knew the answer was either gonna break my heart or heal it, i asked anyway. it was a do or die thing for me.

"she does," he pauses for a while, "way too much," he whispers and sighs with a smile on his face, obviously hurt. 

"and you like her?" he slowly nods while a tear reluctantly pours out of his eyes. i hug him softly and pats his back, comforting him although i could literally feel my heart bleeding.

"why are you comforting me? aren't you hurt?" he asks back and soothes my back too. 

"its nothing compared to you. imagine, you've been friends for years," i chuckled and continued to caress his back. we continued on like that until he finally calmed down. "i've liked dohyun for seven years already," i start, not wanting to break the atmosphere. i told him everything, how i liked dohyun in the first place, and to how i got jealous of yoosung that's why i was avoiding him.

"im so happy for the both of you," he holds my hands and looks at it.

"why the fuck are you happy? don't you pity me? dohyun obviously likes her too!" i hit his arm, sulking.

"you don't understand," he chuckles while stroking his arm where i hit him. "you're smart but sometimes you're really just.." he finds the right words to say. "dumb!" i gasp at his remark and even put my hands to cover my mouth.

"how could you.." he ran off and even let out his tongue to annoy me. "come here, you're dead." i chase him but after a few steps, my stomach ached so i crouched at the pain. 

"are you okay?" bohyun rushes to me and i devilishly smirk. i head-locked him for a few seconds and he tapped my arm when he couldn't breathe anymore. we laughed together until someone coughed on the door inside the building. bohyun smiles at him and leaves me there.

"hey," dohyun starts awkwardly, which made me awkward too. "i want to talk to you about something," he said and leads us to the bench bohyun and i were awhile ago.

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