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he finally got the chance. a little derivatives was all it took for the both of you to be close. 

and he won't ever let go of it. 

two hundred. he never knew this was coming. his two hundredth picture in the folder.. was you kissing him. he wouldn't, ever, call that an accident. how your eyes turned wide when your lips met his, how your heartbeats beat the same beat. how you were so bewildered when it was caught on camera, how he saw the flash in your eyes.

"i have lots of yours," dohyun whispers, after you got a picture of him from your phone. 

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle and finally wrote, 

'this time, i won't deny it. i love you, hyerin. i really do. maybe i didn't from the start, i didn't know where it did start, but i love you.'

two hundred one. a picture of his hand. it wasn't anything special so he printed and posted it along the picture of the kiss. 

'my first kiss.. our first hug.. and the first time you held my hand so tight. i hope you won't ever let go as i won't. i also won't take a picture of my body just to commemorate our first hug. its weird.'

two hundred two. the photo where you were smiling while talking to his mom. his mom almost revealed the biggest secret he had from you, the folder. his mom just suddenly knew about it and teased him about it, until she saw you. that was why you felt familiar. apart from your pictures posted in the folder, it was also scattered all over the walls of his room. he decided it would be best if he just showed the world how much he loves you, now that his mom knows.

"i can't believe i almost kissed her," he slaps himself in the cheek and grunts the moment he steps inside the house after taking you home.

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'im sorry if i look like a stalker. i just love you very much. is it creepy? im sorry. that's all i could say for now. i'd love to look at your face all day until i've gathered enough courage to tell you i love you. i really do.'

two hundred three. a picture of you fighting in your kitchen which was taken by eunhee. he never knew he could smile like that. when you were both baking, he never anticipated anything. just a normal day like how you both spend it.

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'i cookie you.

does that make sense?'

three hundred. might probably his last. a picture of your back when you left him in the garden, crying.

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'i want to be yours. 

but the lies i made in front of you can't pay for what we had. i really had to leave, but if you wanted me to stay, i will. just then when you said 'stay,'  i wasn't on my right mind. i had to leave with yoosung because i was offered a scholarship there. i didn't want to lose that chance, neither you. i can't have both, and im sorry if i had to keep this from you. for the last time, i love you.'

flashback end.

i hug the folder tight, crying loudly. how.. why.. i didn't know what i had to say, nor what i had to do. bohyun rushed to me, asking what happened. 

"stop crying," he caresses my back. i didn't well.. who wouldn't? "i said stop crying!" bohyun snaps which made me upset. "stop whining! he'll be back next week!" he rolls his eyes while still stroking my back to calm me.

"..what?" i mumble, sniffing.

"i can't believe i have to do this with you when im busy with seyoung," he rolls his eyes for the nth time. "he asked me to keep it from you. he wanted to go there personally to reject the offer. did you know how much time he took to choose either the scholarship in states or you?!"

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | 𝐝𝐨𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧Where stories live. Discover now