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"i can't believe im friends with him," bohyun helps you pack your things, discharged from the hospital. "im not leaving anyway, suit himself," he scoffs.

"why aren't you leaving?" i squinted my eyes at him. "just.. purely curious." i smiled, trying not to ruin the atmosphere. after that night, i nor dohyun dared to talk to each other once again.

"i don't want to be a third wheel," he stuffs some things on my bag, then zipping it.

"that's not true," i glared at him. "dohyun knew you weren't going before he even told you about his plans," and he gulped. i chuckled at his nervousness. "don't tell me if you don't want to," i stroked his arm, assuring him. 

"its.. my parents." he started. "they're the ones who planned on letting me stay in the states along with yoosung and dohyun's parents. it was an accurate plan since dohyun and yoosung wanted to go. i liked yoosung very much, but not to the point where i wanted to follow her everywhere. i was comfortable here. but when dohyun's dad suddenly died, yoosung had to go, she was so brokenhearted and i wanted to console her, so instead of dohyun, i went along with my parents. now that im back and matured and i can probably live for myself, im staying," he clasps his hands and sits beside me. "that's basically pretty much it." he winks. i nod when i sank everything in my mind.

"do your parents know?" i ask.

"of course, im not that rebellious and they're not that strict," he brushes my hair back while smiling. "are you okay?" he changes the topic after some silence. we were now waiting for jinsuk who was supposed to pick us up. this morning, everyone went home for some proper rest. mom wanted dohyun to stay but i insisted. i literally begged bohyun to stay and pack with me.

"of course," i sigh, rethinking. "not." i smiled at him. he pulls me for a hug, which i gladly took and hugged him back tightly.

"you're going to be," he places his chin on top of my head. stroking my back. "let's wait outside?" he asks and i jump out of the hospital bed, heading out with him.

while waiting, we were playing dumb games. 

"hey," someone approaches us. "im here to pick you up," dohyun presses his lips to a thin line and puts his hands in his back pocket. "my mom wanted to visit you but has got no time so she wants me to bring you there for a cup of tea." he gives me a small smile. "besides, your brother suddenly got some emergency work so.." he trailed off.

"don't you think you're being too inconsiderate?" bohyun snaps. i hit him.

"its his mother who invited me, not him, go with the flow. we wouldn't want to cause a scene," i glared at him. i looked at dohyun and simply nod, following him to his car.

it was deadly awkward on the car. no one was speaking a word. you could barely imagine a crow flying on top of us.

bohyun and i just glanced at each other while were were both at the middle seat while dohyun was driving.

and yes, he was glancing at me through the rear mirror, who wouldn't sense that in this silence? i pretended i didn't know, as i didn't want further awkwardness.

"hyerin! oh my god, im so sorry i wasn't able to visit you," she welcomes me with a hug. 

"its okay, auntie. at least you didn't suffer like these dorks," i pointed at the two gentlemen beside us. "i was hoping they could rest while we talk," she nods cheerfully and i push bohyun upstairs. i make my way to the dining table where the tea was prepared.

"it would be totally rude for me to say this but," she looks at me intently. "only a bypasser wouldn't notice you avoiding my son," she smiles which lessened my nervousness. i smile at her apologetically. "im guessing he told you already." and it was time for her to smile back at me with apologetic eyes.

"yes, he did." i held her hands. "are you going too?" i asked politely and after a while of pondering, she shakes her head no. "why though?" 

"he said he can handle himself," she chuckles. "he doesn't want me to come. its okay, i might meddle with his business there so i shouldn't. besides, im too old for long flights." i strongly disagreed.

"you most definitely look mid-thirties," i glared at her jokingly. 

"do i?" she pats my hand. after a few chats and sips of tea, she finally asked what she has been holding on. "do you like bohyun?" i coughed when she asked that, i was expecting a dohyun, not a bohyun.

"what? auntie, no!" i harshly waved my hands in front of her. "i.. like someone else," i confess. 

"is it my dohyun?" she smiles widely. i nod, "oh my god!" she exclaims happily. 

"why are you so happy, auntie? don't you feel bad for me? he's leaving." i pout at her, while she celebrated. "what's there to be happy about?" i whispered but audible for her.

"i really like you for dohyun, that's pretty much it." she smiles while pulling me up to dance with her.

"but he doesn't like me back," i mutter, but she probably didn't hear because she kept on dancing. i let her dance, laughing here and there. after a few minutes she grew tired, and once again settled in the chair. after a few more chats, i told her i should go home since it was getting late. 

"yeah, yeah, i'll call dohyun to walk you home," she staggers but i stop her. "why?" she asks.

"i'd be more comfortable with bohyun," i smile at her pleadingly. 

"okay, whatever you say." she smiles warmly.

a few minutes in, auntie and dohyun comes down. on cue, my heart started beating faster, nervous.

"bohyun's sleep deprived. dohyun was awake so i think its better if you'll go with him rather alone," her mom smiles and bids her goodbye. after closing the door, i smile at dohyun.

"you can see me inside from here, don't waste energy." i assured him, after we went down their porch.

"its okay," he insists, which i didn't argue. i didn't want our conversation to last more so i let him. when we arrived in front of our porch, i simply waved at him. before turning my back on him, he calls me.

"hyerin, abou--," 

"see you at school," i didn't want to waste more tears tonight. that night, i was more than broken. he rejected me, and he was leaving. what would hurt more than that? 

i sighed and smiled at the familiar sight of my house, making myself comfortable with an uneasy heart.

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