It's too Early in the Morning for This

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When Ai woke up, the covers were pulled over her, and her legs were tangled in with Kuroo's. She didn't want to move, he was so warm. She lifted an arm from under the safety of the warm blanket and ran her fingers through his hair. Kuroo looked so cute when he was asleep. Ai relished in the fact that not only had he stayed overnight with her, but that he had an arm draped over her, hand on the small of her back. For a moment, she wasn't a mess. All of the trouble that had come to a head the day prior had melted away and become part of a much more distant past. She ran her thumb over his top lip. She wanted to kiss him, but it was too early in the morning for anything like that.

Kuroo shifted in his sleep, pulling Ai closer to him. Her chest touched his, she didn't know at what point of the night he had lost his shirt. When he had pulled her closer, he had moved into more of a fetal position, raising his knees enough for Ai to really feel it. His knee was pressing right between her thighs. She sucked in a breath and tried not to make a sound. She felt her cheeks heat up. The pressure was hitting her just right and now she really couldn't move. She didn't know what would happen if she did. Her breathing sped up and she put a hand over her mouth in a poor attempt to calm herself down. However, her heart stopped beating altogether when Kuroo peeked one of his eyes open and looked directly into her frantic, wide eyes.

Stupid pervert. He knew what he was doing and she wondered what kind of fucked up porn he watched to learn this.

"Good morning," Kuroo yawned, pulling her tighter to him. Ai did her best to resist the urge to cry out. "Why are you covering your mouth," Kuroo inquired groggily, "morning breath?" She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. He may have not been moving, but she felt her body heat up ten degrees. "You're so sexy when you ignore me," Kuroo teased, gliding the hand from the small of her back to her right hip, sliding a thumb under the waistband of her underwear, it sent a jolt of electricity through her body. She squeezed her legs around his knee involuntarily, letting out a pathetic whimper.

"You ass." Ai was stern but her voice sounded weak and quiet.

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow quizzically. Then a sinister, cat-like grin spread wide across his face. "What was that, Neko-chan?" He asked, moving his leg around in a circular motion. Ai felt tortured. She had made enough of a fool out herself in the last twenty-four hours. Though she was glad that she woke up with Kuroo in her bed, she wanted nothing more than to save herself the embarrassment and be alone at that moment. She tried her best to glare at him, but she was burning hot. She knew the feeling all too well, but it had been a long time since she had felt it with another person. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and it wasn't fair. "Do you want me to stop? Just tell me you want me to stop, I will." He paused his motions for a second, awaiting her response.

Her hair fanned about her wildly, her hand over her mouth, her eyes with tears in the corner, the splash of red across her cheeks. "No." She was beautiful. Breathtaking, Kuroo could stare at her face all day. He wanted to keep Ai looking just like that. Kuroo slid his hand down the front of her underwear and grazed over her vulva before he slowly rubbed her clit with his fingers. She wasn't able to stifle herself and she moaned into her hand. The lazy, intense, circles were like tourture. Just when Ai got used to the pace, Kuroo would slow down or stop all together. A tear slid down her cheek. "Kuroo!" Ai meant to sound angry but it came across more like a moan. "God, please!" She whined. She was so frustrated, she wanted to get up and just do it herself, to get that satisfaction, but Ai was paralyzed. Her legs were trembling, and she doubted that she would get that far.

"What was that? I can't hear you." Ai wondered what the hell kind of switch flipped within him. First he can't dignify her kiss with an answer and skirts around the subject, and then overnight he's become some sort of impish deviant who relishes in watching her suffer. She squirmed as Kuroo fastened his pace, then, without warning, pinched her clit. All of the sound drowned out of the world for a few seconds. Ai wasn't sure but she figured her eyes rolled back, she saw stars and the burning was unbearable. A low rumble emoted from her throat as she came.

Kuroo kept rubbing her clit, even though she already came. He pinned her down with one of his legs, keeping Ai from thrashing around due to overstimulation. She could feel the wet spot in her panties spreading through the cloth of her shorts. Kuroo could probably feel it on his leg. Her cheeks heated up in both embarrassment and spite. "You're so unfair!" That stupid cockatoo, with that stupidly satisfied smirk. "I'll get you back for this." Ai panted, the words flying out of her mouth like snake venom.

"Oh," Kuroo cooed, "somehow I don't think that's the case." Ai smirked and ran her hand down his torso, to his waistband. There was a look of slight panic on his face.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Ai wrapped her hand around his shaft, without warning, which was bigger than she imagined, and as hard as she had anticipated. "Oh, what's this? You're turned on so early in the morning?" She purred into the nape of his neck. Ai pumped him mercilessly, running a thumb over the tip to spread the precum. "I have an advantage, you see?" Ai moved to nip at his Adam's apple, giving it a nice lick. He groaned, she remembered how much her ex boyfriend had liked it when she did that. From what she could see, Kuroo liked it just as much. "I'm not a virgin, and you are." Her breath fanned over Kuroo's throat, he swallowed thickly. As much as it probably would have embarrassed Kuroo to admit, this was the first time that anyone's hand but his own was stroking his dick and it was driving him absolutely insane. Ai knew he wouldn't be able to hold back. She sat up and pinned his chest down with one hand, her other hand wrapped around his dick. Kuroo didn't have the same tells as her ex boyfriend did, but she could see she had crawled under his skin. He groaned, and she figured in a few more motions he would be gone. "Now be a good boy," she whispered into the shell of his ear before nibbling on it, quickening the intervals of her strokes, "and cum for me, Kuroo-senpai ." Ai added just for the humiliation aspect, to get even for making her rut up against his knee.

Kuroo would have been mortified to admit that last part was what drove him over the edge, that was, if Kuroo had been able to formulate a coherent thought at that point in time. When she was sure she had pumped all of the cum out of him, Ai ran her thumb over the tip one last time before withdrawing her hand. She made eye contact with Kuroo when licked her thumb, it tasted salty and musky. The way Kuroo looked right after his release made Ai's heart skip a beat. She shuddered. His cheeks were flush with embarrassment.

Ai felt better now, Kuroo probably did too, well after she had cleaned off his stomach with a tissue. Not only did she get off that morning, but she had the satisfaction of keeping his cheeky ass in check. "We should probably get ready for school." She looked at him tenderly, straddling  him; conveying that she was done playing, but still comfortable. Ai ran one of her hands over his scalp, his eyes fluttered closed and he looked peaceful. He seemed relaxed after getting jerked off. Which was a weird concept for Ai to digest, but she could save that for later.

He didn't say anything but he breathed heavily and pulled her down on his side and snuggled up to her and buried his face in her chest. "Five more minutes." Ai chuckled and continued running her hand through his hair.

"What does it say if the captain is late to practice?" She tilted his head to look at her and she placed a chaste kiss on his nose. "Go get a shower, I'll see you in a few minutes."

Kuroo and Ai were both in a good mood as they walked to school, they skipped their usual childish banter in favor for lighthearted chats and intelligent conversation. Kenma, ever the observant one, noticed immediately that something was wrong. It sent chills down his spine. Something had disturbed the peace. "You two have been weird lately."

Ai froze, "Whatever do you mean?" She gave her friend a tense smile up at him. She didn't think anything like this would happen, and now that it had, she had no idea how to convey to him what had happened in the past twenty-four hours.

"You guys have been acting strange since Wednesday." Kenma said plainly.

"What?" She exclaimed nervously. "No way!"

Kuroo laughed dismissively before saying, "All of those otome games are messing with your brain."

"I don't play otome games." Kenma said flatly, knowing Kuroo knew that.

Ai wrapped her arm around Kenma's shoulder. "I know I have been neglecting you, I'm sorry." She looked a t him, he looked a bit peeved at the gesture but said nothing. "I know! Let's all get ice cream after practice today, yeah? My treat." Kenma didn't seem too convinced.

"Good idea, Ai-chan!" Kurro slapped her on the back a little too hard and she started coughing.

"Goddamn it Kuroo!" She wheezed between coughs.

I Don't Think I Regret itΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα