The Utter Walking Nightmare that is Kuroo Tetsuroo

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When she woke up with nearly fifty notifications, Ai wasn't the least bit happy. Kuroo had added her to a group chat with him and Bokuto, and she couldn't escape the constant dinging of her phone. She dreaded checking her phone and seeing all of those notifications. Between the memes, the constant 'bros' and 'dudes', there were candid photos of teammates and random pictures of cats, Ai found no form of coherent conversation whatsoever.

She sighed and got up to wash her face and get ready for the day. She didn't hate school, but she didn't like it either. Some subjects were easy while others proved to be rather bothersome, but manageable nonetheless. She had never really struggled much during any of her classes, but she had never put effort into being the top of her class. Ai was the type of person blessed with brains and looks but usually just coasted by with little to no effort.

Her mother had left early, but there was rice, miso soup, and a fish left out at her place at the table. It made Ai smile a bit as she sat down to eat. The fish was still somewhat warm. She enjoyed being up early and taking her time getting ready. Sometimes if her mother hadn't already left, they would put on makeup together and eat and have time for conversations that they usually couldn't have as often. It was almost as if she lived alone sometimes. If there wasn't another bedroom, if her mother's slippers weren't by the door, if the air didn't smell like Daisy by Marc Jacobs in the morning, how would she know her mother was really there? Ai lost herself in these thoughts as she washed her dishes after breakfast. When that annoying knocking came from the other side of her front door.

"Ai-chan, you're gonna be late for school."

She rolled her eyes and dried her hands on a dishtowel. She thudded over to the door and shoved her shoes on her feet and grumbling as she gathered her bag and lunch. "Why do you care if I'm late anyways, Kuroo?" Ai glared at him, the usual greeting these days.

"I don't want to see you late to school," his smile annoyed her, as always, "besides, Kenma likes walking to school with you, don't you Kenma?" He called out to his friend, who was already walking to school. Kenma didn't bother looking up from his PSP.

"You have morning practice, why do you insist I walk with you?" Ai locked the door to her apartment. "I'm anything but late."

"Because it's fun." He said. "Your pleasant demeanor in the morning really gets me ready for the day."

"Oh cut the shit!" She cried. "It's too early, I end up having nothing to do at school!" She complained, putting her lunchbox in her school bag and heading down the steps. "We aren't even close to being late!"

"Well," Kuroo began, looking like he was actually giving it some thought for once, "you should watch us practice then!" He looked pleased at the prospect, that annoyed Ai. She pulled her hair up into a bun as she tried to catch up and meet Kenma's stride before he collided with a streetlamp. It was still hot and a little muggy feeling. The clouds overhead were grey and pregnant, threatening to let loose.

Ai rolled her eyes and regretted not grabbing an umbrella on her way out.Kuroo followed nonchalantly, whistling as he walked.


Ai ended up at the gym with them anyways. By the time the boys had gotten dressed, a painfully thick drizzle had begun. All eyes turned when she entered, spots of water seeping in through her summer uniform. She could hear the members of the volleyball club muttering. There was one bald man with a mohawk just... staring. "Who's that?" A boy with brown spiky hair inquired.

"This is Ai Ohno." Kuroo introduced proudly, patting her back a bit too hard. She shot a glare at him, if looks could kill, Kuroo would be vine.

"Ooh is she your girlfriend?" A tall boy with grey hair asked.

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