coming clean

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~~~Dylan's POV~~~~

I'd be over reacting if I said these past two weeks have been miserable but it was the stone cold truth, loosing Jeanie I feel like my heart was ripped out my chest, sure I've gone through heartache but not like this ....this time it was worse feel like someone punched me thirty times feeling beaten and not able to get back up. Jeanie was different from any girl I've dated, she was special, sweet, beautiful, thoughtful, caring, funny, energetic, her love for football made her more unique and I let it all slip through my fingers. Of course the first few days I tired everything to get her to pick her phone calling and texting non-stop, hell I even email and if I had Facebook I'd probably searched there too the thought crossed my mind to get one just to message her like crazy there but I restrained from it. After the fourth day I lost hope, there was no coming back I lost her she made up her mind I couldn't get her make realizing I should just suck it up deal with my consequences to my mistakes.

I was going back to Atlanta tomorrow I was emotional wreck I was nervous, sad, anxious it was all knowing I would have to face Jeanie tomorrow back at the apartment. She might just ignore me the whole time, she's probably thrown my stuff back into Posey's room... maybe I should give him a call so I know what I walking into tomorrow at the apartment.

walking over to the small table I pulled out my lap top I decided to Skype Posey surprised he picked up usually I have to try like two or three with him.

"hey dude" Posey said with sorrowful eyes looking at me, why though?

"hey man, how's it been?" I asked

"not bad ahhh..soo you coming back tomorrow?" he asked he was acting funny

"yeah, nerve how is she?" I asked his sympathetic expression only made me feel worse

"has she not talk to you?" he asked

"she won't answer any of my calls texts nothing, we are truly broken up I stopped trying a week ago, I fucked up badly dude it's truly over I don't even know how were going to live in the same apartment" I told him running a hand through my hair

"you have to try man, try harder" he demanded causing me to cock an eyebrow

"Posey what aren't you telling me"

He was silent for a minute "look I'm going to tell you this because this isn't just about you and Jeanie anymore and she really needs you now more than before" Posey said

"why? what happened? is she okay?" I fired questions at him now I was worried what did he mean? something wrong.

"Dylan, Jeanie's pregnant"

His words circled in my mind, was he serious or pulling my leg

"that's not funny T-Pose, stop screwing around" I told him

He sighed getting up walking away from the screen I was wondering where he was going or if he was coming back after a couple minutes he came back showing me a black and white photo then it hit me it's a sonogram photo he was showing me, didn't think I'd be looking at one that was to me so soon.

"not lying to you man, she really is"

I sat back in my chair letting it sink in, she's pregnant.... I got her pregnant, but when? how? we were always safe each time we had sex. I sat back thinking about it then it me that night at the party when we did it in the bathroom I didn't use a condom that night knowing damn well Jeanie wasn't on the pill holy crap how could I be so stupid.

I leaned forward looking back at Posey that same sympathetic look he had before, we were going to have a baby at 19 well actually 20 years old seeing as my birthday was a couple days ago, very sad one I might add.

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