A different day

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Yay another chapter!! 🤗🤗🙌🏻🙌🏻
Hope you enjoy it

I would be lying if I didn't say last two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. Since the weekend in Vegas I've been so paranoid at the possibilities. Stressing about that 24/7 while working and being at home has put me in a certain mood.

Dylan and I, our relationship hasn't been so good in last two weeks. Yes I was still a bit upset I told him plenty of times he understood but guess irresponsibility caught up with us that night believe me I've learned to take extra steps.

We still talk to one another but when it came to being affectionate toward each other little things I was being cold I couldn't help it my mind just kept going back to that day I know I'm being too harsh were in this together as a couple.

I walked back into the house after my doctors appointment my brother was there with Mason. Of course the only other person who knows what's going on with me is Brooke because the day I sobbed on her shoulder I didn't want anyone else to know so we both have nothing at least I think he might have told posey I'm not sure.

Putting my bag down as the cat came over greeting at the door with a meow.

"Hi Meeko" I crouch down and picked him up walking further in the house till I found my brother and Mason on the floor in the sun room with toys all around them he had the radio on throwback 90s songs. My brother was holding Mason up making him dance as he sung I stood there laughing till Mason looked over and saw me .

"Hi baby" I cooed putting my cat down walked toward them Mason never took his eyes off me he kicked one of his feet out as I got closer.

"How's my baby" I picked him kisses him all over as he smile

"Your baby gives the nastiest poops I've ever seen in my life " Aiden said standing up

"Only to you and Dylan" I said not taking my eyes off of Mason making faces at him as he smiled hard back at me, this little man lights up my day.

"well me being generis I made dinner for you" he said

"oh Aiden you didn't have to"

"I know but I wanted to" he said picking up the toys off the ground

"than will you stay with me and eat" I said placing Mason on my hip

"I'd love to but I have plans with a few friends tonight" he came back over kissed my forehead

"okay" I said quietly as he stood back

"you alright?" he asked moving my hair out my face

"you asking me as a nurse or my brother" I joked bringing Mason in the kitchen so I could feed him

"your brother, noticed a change in you past few days just wanted to make sure everything was okay" he said I tried to stay calm even though my heart was pounding feeling so nervous I didn't want to tell Aiden I didn't need him being disappointed in me again.

"I'm fine Aiden just tired I guess you know long days" I said looking in my cabinets where I keep Mason's food picking out not even sure type of mashed up baby food but we've been trying out baby food and he seems to like it so far. I sat back down with Mason in my lap I opened the jar stirring a bit with the spoon.

"don't work yourself so hard you already do so much alright?" he said pointing a finger at me

"I will. thanks for caring Aiden" I said spoon feeding Mason

"It's my job as big bro" he walked over kissing me on the cheek as well as Mason before leaving. Now it was just Mason and I in quiet home well except for the cat who was running up and down the stairs like someone was chasing him. After feeding Mason I ate myself a little bit of the chicken and rice my darling brother made for me. I bathed Mason putting him in his pjs we sat in the rocking chair in his room I cradled him in my arms with country music playing in the background I patted his butt sure file way to get to sleep, he fought me for awhile but finally he closed those sweet green eyes of his and was snoozing away.

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