Road I know part 2

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The picture above is inside the house of Jeanie's parents.

The next day my parents went to work Aiden, Izzy and I spent the day together going to the mall Aiden and I met up with a couple of old friends from school hanging out since they were home from college catching up with them making our way over to Nathan's for lunch then we returned home around five o'clock seeing my dad was already home. Walking in we saw him on the back porch heating up the grill.

"hey dad" Aiden greeted first

"hey Aid., Izzy, sweetpea I'm making steaks so I hope your in the mood" he said

"yes, see this is why I miss home no one cooks like you and mom" Aiden said

"you know how to cook dufus" Izzy said

"let me rephrase no one to cook for you" he said

"thanks son, now I know how you really feel" my dad said letting out a chuckling before looking over at me

"hey sweet pea you okay? pretty quiet" he said

"huh? yeah fine, whens mom getting home?" I asked

"should be in thirty minutes, just long enough for me to finish dinner" he said

"okay thanks daddy I'm gonna go inside" walking in I sat on the couch pulling snoopy into my lap petting him till my brother came in

"you going to tell them?" he whispered

"yeah, Izzy knows"

"what? you told her?"

"nope she guessed I don't how like a creepy six sense" I said

"strange scary child" he muttered made me laugh "I'm here if you need me"

"I know Aid"

Thirty minutes my mom came home just as my dad finished making mash potatoes serving everyone we ate outside since it was nice out all of together conversation flowing but I was still quiet nerves that I was going to tell my parents but I had no idea where to start. Once everyone was finished my mother and I loaded the dishwasher as Aiden left to hang with Trevor and Izzy was up in her room.

"mom could I talk to you and dad about something?" I asked loading the last dish

"sure sweetpea, what it is?" she asked

"I'll tell you with dad" I said she nodded as we made our way to the den where my dad was watching some baseball game the dogs at his feet my mother to a seat next to him as I stayed standing up

"what's up honey?" he asked my mom

"Jeanie as something to tell us, well tell us sugar" she said looking at me I felt my hands start to shake my heart racing.

"right, I do- have something I need to tell you and it's pretty big like colossal big, bigger then the ferris wheel in London and I-I apologize before hand, non of this was suppose to be this way.." I really need to stop rambling but I can't

"Jeanie honey out with it" my mom said in a calm voice

"I-I-I I'm pregnant" I said looking down

"your what?" my dad said his pitch getting higher at the end making me cringe I looked back up

"I-I i'm so sorry of course I didn't mean for any of this to happen, we-we have always been safe and one night we got carried away at this party forgetting protection. I'm so so sorry I know you guys trusted me to be responsible the day I left this house to live with Aiden then when I moved to Atlanta starting this tv ... I know you expecting more from me and I failed I can't get that back now" I stumbled out as my eyes began to get watery looking at my parents shock, hurt and disappointed faces as my dad got up from the couch not even looking at me.

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