what happend again?

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"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh"

I repeated to myself staring at the positive test in my hands, I can't believe this is happening I started to feel the warms tears fall down my face. I can't believe this... that I'm pregnant. I'm nineteen living with three roommates my acting career just getting to a start and now I'm pregnant.


I looked up to see Holland looking at me no longer being able to hold it in I dropped to the floor breaking out hysterical tears covering my face with my hands just completely sobbing at this point. I feels a pair of arms around me rubbing smooth circles on my back I knew it was Holland I faintly hear her saying it was okay but I couldn't calm myself the tears just kept flowing out.

Finally after fifteen long minutes I manage to calm down slowly steadying my breathing I wiped my face Posey passed me a tissue I didn't even see him come in but how could I through the my big crocodile tears I was letting out all over the place. I gratefully took the tissue blew my nose tossing it in the trash I leaned against the bathroom counter for the second time today.

"I'm in pure shock, I can't believe this is happening" I said

"you know this could be a false positive, things like that happen all the time"

"trying to keep hope alive?" I said to her

"there is only one way for sure to find out if you really are having a baby" Holland

"you're right and I'll be making that call hauling my butt over there tomorrow" I said

"you mean we will go tomorrow" Holland said

"no, I can't ask you to do that" I said

"it's a good thing I didn't ask" she replied I pulled her into a hug

"your too good to me you know that" I said squeezing her

"I want in on this hug" Posey said crouching down beside us joining our hug making me giggle

"is this about to become a thing? me breaking down on the bathroom floor we all sit here" I joked

"if it is I'm going to start leaving snacks in the cabinet under the sink" Posey said

"that would be wise" Holland said

"okay, okay how about you two being so awesome to me today lets go out for dinner I'm treating no if and or buts and were so getting ice cream with it too" I said standing my ground

"well since we really have no say lets go to All stars, plus they have those amazing warm brownies with vanilla ice cream it seems like a perfect fit" Holland said

"oh yes they have amazing tacos" Posey said with so much excitement

"okay than All Stars it is" getting up off the floor I washed my tear stained face before walking back out grabbing my purse we were well on our way.

~~~~Next day~~~~

I woke up this morning to my alarm blaring in my ears making sure I actually get up so I can make to my doctor's appointment on time I schedule right before we left to dinner yesterday. To say I was nervous was a understatement of the year I was a complete ball of nerves, hoping out the shower get pulling on denim skirt, a tank top with a flannel shirt on top I slipped on my flip flops and walked out of the room to the kitchen pouring a glass of sweet tea seeing a text from Holland saying she'd be over in ten minutes placing the glass in the sink I go a grab my purse and waited for Holland outside the apartment, it was hot out yet but it was getting there.

Not waiting long Holland showed up I got into her car.

"hey" I said

"how you feeling?" she asked

Romance on set *Dylan O'brien fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now