Bowling and friends

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"Bam bam"

I jolted up from my sleep looking around hearing the noise again

"Bam bam"

I rolled my eyes threw myself back into my bed I knew exactly what that noise was Dylan playing the drums out in the living room. Lord him and Posey like to play their instruments and annoying hours now that I think of it I really don't know what time it is. I rolled over to my phone sliding it open the time read 11:30 I'm not surprised I slept this late yesterday was another long day at we had to re-do one scene three times because hoechlin and I couldn't stop laughing by the time we finished all of us were crawling back to the apartment.

I can still hear Dylan playing the drums I groaned realizing there was no way I was going to sleep so I rolled out of my bed threw my hair into a messy bun on my head walking out in my plaid bottoms and a tank top I tumbled out to the livingroom seeing Dylan practicing away he looked so cute sitting there playing complete lost in the moment sticking his tongue out a little I have to admit he's a really good drummer suddenly he stops looking at me smiling

"Morning sleepy beauty" he said

"If this is the new alarm system count me out I want a return" I said waking over to the couch to sit

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine" Dylan said

"Is Hoechlin here? Highly doubt he'd let you play that this early in the morning" I said bringing my knees up to my chest resting my head on them

"No he's not here and at it 11 which is close to noon so it's not early" he said still sitting at his drum set

"It is early too early" I mumbled

"Not everyone sleeps till 1 pm like you deary" he said with that damn smirk of his

"Hey I'll have you know-" I was cut off by someone yelling

"God damn it!!! What the hell is this" I heard Posey's two minutes later he storms out the bathroom towel at his waist still dripping wet with his hair all crazy

"Why the hell is my shampoo replaced with vanilla pudding" he said yelling at us. I immediately begin to laugh falling back on to the couch

"Oh that's genius" Dylan said laughing

"Jeanie I'll get you back for this" Tyler said waking back in the bathroom leaving me to my giggle fit

"Pudding?" Dylan questioned me

"Just popped into my mind and I went for it"

"Your an evil master mind" he joked

"Yes I plan to take over the world making bacon mandatory ingredient in everything and every Tuesday is 'inappropriate touch Tuesday' I said

"Can't argue with any of that though I feel like taco Tuesday is must can we the inappropriate touching to Thursdays?" He asked and winked at me

"No the master has spoken!" I began to laugh as Posey re-entered the room with pants on pulling his short over his head

"Your not dressed yet? Come on J" Posey said I cocked one eyebrow at him wondering why the hell did I have to get dressed it's our day off a day of peace and quite... Well obviously not quite thanks to Dylan. Then hit me what we were doing today I jumped up

"Oh crap I forgot give me 10-15 minutes" I said I ran into the bathroom taking the world quickest shower back to my room threw on a pair of skinny's with a lacy tube top some nice heals, I ran a comb quickly through my hair letting the natural curls fall decided on no make up I don't really wear when I'm not filming, grabbing my bag I walked out my room

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