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"hello joyce?" I said into the phone

"mom I'm on the phone" Aiden said back

"well chris what are you doing at Joyce's"

"no mom I'm in the living room ten feet away from you and I'm on the phone" Aiden said

"well why I have you on the phone what would you like for dinner?" I said and began to laugh as Aiden and I were quoting on of our favoirte movies Just Friends (A/N if you haven't seen just friends with Ryan Reynolds your missing out it's great) like we usually do I had the day off while the boys had to go in and shoot scenes so here I was hanging out alone in the apartment, it's strange when it's quite.

"so your plan is to do nothing?" he asked

"yep" I said streching out from under the covers

"your still in bed aren't you?"

"you know me so well, it's only noon calm down" I said suddenly I heard noise in the background on Aiden's side but it was a fimilar voice one that I could live without.

"Is that Charlie?"

"yeah why?"

"let me get this straight your new roomate is Charlie?" I asked he told me he had a new roomie just never thought it would be him.

"yeah he was looking for a new place and I needed someone who could offard to live here, you know him and I are still friends J" Aiden said

I never told Aiden the real reason why we broke up, actually I didn't tell my parents either I didn't want that drama and the whole I hate him drama and blah blah blah, it wasn't worth my time. The only one in my family who knows is Izzy of course she took it opun her self to call him after we split and yell at him I quote she said "next time I see you I will cut your testicles off place them in a glass frame and mount it to your wall so you cry everyday on something you can't get back". She's something else though she is sworn to serecty she can never tell my parents or our brother I have to much dirt on her that Izzy wouldn't want our parents to find out about her being the trouble maker out of us three.

"fine whatever Aiden" I finally spoke

"don't be like that Jeanie or I won't tell you my good news"

"the last dentist caved and now they all recomand crest" I said

"what? no... your so strange, I met a-"

I cut him off " Oh my lanta you've met a girl! what's her name? what she look like? how old is she? has she found out how strange you are yet?... does she know about Izzy you know how Izzy gets with your girlfriends she drove the last two away" I said yeah Izzy becomes intimadating when it's comes to Aiden dating and it doesn't help that my mom backs her up... it must cause he's the only boy or whatever.

"slow down, her name is Sophie, she's got red hair, green eyes that are amazing, funny, smart she's friends with Drew from my class that's how I met her and no she doesn't know about Izzy and she wont" he joked on the last part

"then how will she ever meet the family?"

"well mom isn't that bad when Izzy isn't around so I was just thought we slip Izzy lots of benadryl tie her up and lock her in the closet" he said

"tie her up....great plan Aid." I said sarcastically

"hey I really like this one alot, I don't want my crazy family driving her away" he said

"excuse me"

"you know what I mean, dad and you are the least of my problems" he said

"this is ture"

Romance on set *Dylan O'brien fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now