cloud infinity

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A/N; So obviously like other writers that have risen from writing comas I'm back to writing. Some down time now forgot how good it feels but anyway enjoy.

I couldn't stop looking at it, I couldn't stop smiling when I did. I was stunned, amazed and still shaking. These pass few days have been a serious fairy tale how I couldn't tell what was going on was beyond me right now. I do know the adrenaline is just rushing through me can't get rid of this anxious feeling I had. Being someone's wife was different then a girlfriend well now fiancé.

Dylan nudged me out of my thoughts before I can go any deeper on the thought. I pulled my headphones down.


"what are you thinking about?" he asked

"you really want to know?"

"not freaking out are you?" his tone got more serious as I looked up at him but I know couldn't hide it for long.

"it's a lot to process, a wedding? the house, Mason, my parents ...... the studio" before I could go further Dylan's lips have already connected with mine his hands on my face I gave in to the kiss only relaxing for a second. I broke our kiss placing my forehead against his slowly breathing.

" I know it's much, there's so much that goes into a wedding but we will get through it okay one day at a time." he said hands on my face so I couldn't look away.

"when will there be time for a wedding?"

"when we're done filming, off time"

"where we goanna have it?"

"anywhere you want"

"are we going to move?"

"not if you don't want to, pretty fond of our house now. not everything has to change" he said on a very calm note.

"but some do, my name changes, documents changed, if something happens to you I'm legally responsible for you. What if something happens so horrible I'm too distraught  to make executive decisions for you" I was rambling yes I don't see how he is not.


"I just need a moment please" I got up from my seat to the airplane bathroom just to calm myself when I came back I can see I hurt Dylan a little as he was looking out the window not glancing as I sat back down. I put my headphones back on not wanting to start the conversation over again I did slip my hand into his I felt him squeeze back I knew he wasn't completely upset.


We drove in silence to my brother's house as my parents flew over earlier in the week with Mason to have family time with my siblings. When we got there it looked pretty packed in the streets with cars one car I noticed was Posey's. I had no idea what he was up to maybe Jesse is with him, Jesse and my sister have become good friends.

As we got out of the car and toward my brothers door I could feel that Dylan was upset with me. He wasn't going to say or do anything while we were here but I knew I was going to hear it when we got home. I saw the door wasn't completely close as I went to open I saw everyone hanging about my mother the first one to spot me.

"you're here! welcome back sugar!" she shouted catching everyone else's attention they all turned toward us. Posey ran straight to Dylan hugged him.

"congrats bro!" he said I looked over at Dylan in shock. how'd he know already, as if reading my panic Dylan turned toward me.

"I texted him" Dylan said

"congratulations honey, oh I'm so happy " my mother held me tight, did they all know?

Romance on set *Dylan O'brien fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now