In The Spirit!

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Dylan's POV

My eyes shot open to the sound of the wind shaking the house, very windy morning. I rubbed my eyes trying to be more awake instead of falling back to sleep which I would gladly do In a heartbeat but I didn't want to waste the day away .

It's been about three weeks since my surgery and everything has healed up I went back to filming after a week. It was great to get back especially when your girlfriend organizes a welcome back party on set which completely surprised all the cast and crew yelling welcome back in face but it made me happy seeing everyone there for me.

It's also been about two and half weeks since Jeanie and Aiden have spoken to each other. Izzy told me what happened that day once Jeanie cried herself to sleep. When she came to me and just cried in my arms that was hard for me to deal with, I hate seeing her cry specially when it has to deal with her own brother there isn't much I can do for I'd feel as if I stepped out my boundaries cause this is a sibling matter I know Brooke feels the same way she's been over a few times sees the baby hangs with us talks to Jeanie not once has Aiden been over or phoned her neither has Jeanie, don't know if it's pride thing or what, I do know Jeanie does feel really hurt she won't say it to me but I know and so does Izzy.

I wish I was there to stop Charlie from coming anywhere near here. Probably another reason why he did what he did cause she was more vulnerable. When I finally got Jeanie to tell me what happened with Charlie I was extremely pissed off, she kept saying that she didn't care what he said it didn't matter what he thinks but it didn't make me feel better it made me want to punch something or him but I knew I couldn't.

This is probably the longest I've seen them go without speaking to each other. Those two are a pair they'd call each other if they haven't seen each other in more than three days checking on each other of something exciting was happening Aiden was the first person she would go to, they make me a little jealous yeah me and Jules have a nice siblings relationship but not as close as them, I can see the affect it has on Jeanie which does upset me.

I stretched out my limbs rolling over realsing I was the only in bed alone. Jeanie's side was made I guess she's been gone for awhile I sat up listen the house was quiet till I heard noises coming from the bathroom dragging my feet I opened the door seeing Jeanie bent over the bathtub giving Mason a bath. Jeanie didn't see me yet but Mason did looking straight at me he began to giggle splashing Jeanie.

"ah! Mase really" she whinned using her arm to wipe away the droplets that were on her face I chuckled that made my appearance known as she looked over at me.

"morning" I said

"hey bout time you got up" she said Mason was making gurgling noises trying to munch on one of his bath toys.

"sorry didn't realize how tired I was" I said sitting on the toilet seat as Jeanie continued to bathe Mason

"it's cool yesterday was a long day of filming understandable" she said

"yeah you had a long day too how long have you guys been?" I asked seeing she was still in her shorts and t-shirt she wore to bed.

"few hours we ate, annoyed Izzy, gave mommy a desturbingly gross diaper to change and now a bath" she said washing his hair he began to cry he hates getting his head wet.

"sounds like alot" I said she shurgged pulling Mason out of the bath wrapping him in a towel they left the bathroom. I got up fixing the other side of the bed, putting on a shirt I walked down stairs toward the kitchen.

"hey Izzy"

"sup" she said from the couch her nose in a book I just continued about my buisness once  I finished eating I went back upstairs seeing Jeanie and Mason laying on the bed his pacifier in his mouth head on Jeanie both sleeping away I smiled grabbing my phone I took a picture of them both.

Romance on set *Dylan O'brien fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now