I'm moving out

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Sitting on the couch with boxes flowing everywhere we had most of the apartment packed up when I say we I mean the boys as they let me only do one thing and the bathroom after that I was excluded from any more packing. it's sad I'm going to miss this apartment we had a lot of good laughs and parties here. The loud music the boys playing the drums and Hoechlin scolding them for it of course them not caring about how loud it was, Hoechlin and I buying ear plugs at one point. Posey getting wasted and puking off the balcony or the time him and Dylan both peed off the balcony of course intoxicated, the many times I've yelled during football games or the boys when they played on the xbox, the Nerf gun fights all good times I'm going to miss here in Atlanta.

Sad as Posey and Hoechlin are going to California first, Dylan and I are staying with my parents until after the baby is born seeing that's the safest way considering I can't really travel being so far along in my pregnancy. With that said we had to be out of the apartment by the end of this week since we had to let it go reason why Dylan and I are going to south Carolina not that my parents mind my mom is pretty excited to have me for a couple months to be honest I feel better being at home with my mom close by when the baby comes. I had my last ultra sound here yesterday Dr. Williams said everything was fine he's healthy told me what to expect next and make sure I follow up with a doctor there which would be now about every week since I'm close to the end to say the least I'm excited to meet my little one but at the same time terrified of being a mom.

Now here I was with a tub of cookie dough ice cream sitting on the living room couch one place the boys hadn't started packing up watching how to train your dragon with Holland next to me sharing the ice cream with her cause I'm not a pregnant hog I do share.

"awe toothless" I cooed

"really J" A voice from behind me said both me and Holland turned to see Hoechlin judging us.

"what? you guys won't let me help" I reminded

"because we don't need you preggers falling or lifting anything lord knows you'll try" Posey said

"the only thing you let me do was pack my clothes up, which is why I'm supervising now" I said scooping up another spoon full of ice cream as Dylan came out the room he shook his head.

"and Holland?" Hoechlin asked

"she was bored I need a second pair of eyes in case I fall asleep"

"you could of gone to her place" Posey said

"and leave you and Dylan alone with Hoechlin, you guys will break something then Hoechlin will kill you both" I said

"this is true" Hoechlin said

"plus too fat to move anywhere" I replied rubbing my almost eight month bulging belly Dylan came over hovering above me

"your not fat pregnant babe" he said

"so you keep saying" I muttered he only smiled dipped down capture my lips with his

"taste like cookie dough... delicious" he said silly smirk I giggled shoving a spoon full of ice cream into his mouth before he walked away taking the packing tape with him.

"at least they changed the genre of movies" Hoechlin said

"what's wrong with the last two movies?" Holland whined

"really you guys had a chick flick moment 'a walk to remember' 'dear john' we thought you were going to top it off with the Nicolas Sparks classic notebook" Posey said

"I'm impressed you know that those movies are all Nicholas Sparks books" Holland said

"you have something to tell us T-Pose" I teased

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