Chapter Ten

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I woke up feeling too happy on a Monday. All weekend I couldn't stop thinking about what Harry said about Zayn liking me. And now since I basically have almost every class with him today maybe I should try to talk to him about it...or not.

"We're here." Henry said parking his car. "Remember to meet me after lunch, mom wants us to be home for the stupid dinner."

"Alright." I said getting out the car and walking to class. 

Ms.William's annoyingly sent out an email over the weekend about another seating chart change since some people were too noisy. I just hoped I got seated w/ Ashton or Michael. It would be weird sitting with anyone else. Once I got to class everyone was in their regular seat, she probably changed her mind or something. 

The bell rang, "Okay. I'm going to read out all the names for tables starting with Jessica in table 1, Justin in table 2, Glen in table 3..." Ms.Williams said walking around to each table.

"Hey," Ashton whispered. "You missed out on Luke's after you left. Luke got wasted, it was so funny."

I rolled my eyes, "As long as he didn't do anything stupid."

"He made out with almost every girl but other than that we made sure he got in his pj's and tucked him in." Ashton chuckled. Ms.William's called his name to sit by this kid Orin. "See you at lunch."

"Last table will be Violet and Zayn." Ms.Williams read making my heart drop. "Alright today we will be talking about our reading from last week."

Not again. I can't be stuck with him in the same exact spot we were in when I first transferred here, especially not when I have mixed feelings about him. I sat down taking out my notebook and flipping to my notes. I could hear Zayn take the seat next to me. I felt a mix of anxiety and the feeling of having to pee really badly. 

"How was your weekend?" Zayn asked not taking his eyes off his notebook. 

I shrugged, "I-It was fine. I guess." I tried to not stare at him too long but it was really hard not to. "How about yours?"

"Well not so great considering Harry told me that he might have accidentally told you something." he answered. I was too terrified to look up at him. 

"I know nothing about that." I said shaking my head. "He just told me that he likes Tomina a lot. That's it. Nothing else." I lied pretending to pay attention to the Ms.Williams hoping he'd stop talking about it. "Did you read the book last week we were supposed to do?" 

Zayn nodded, "So how did you react when he told you the thing?" he asked scribbling down some notes. "Cause I'd like to know if it impacted you in a good or bad way."

"Well I do think Harry and Tomina would make a cute couple but I always thought she would end up with Niall or Michael but it will take some time to adjust to." I said trying not bring up the other thing Harry told me. 

"Harry screwed things up between them when he made out with Emma plus I knew it was never going to last but I do like the idea of Niall or Mikey." Zayn grinned leaning back on his chair. "But I'm talking about the fact that Harry told you that I might like you."

I could already feel my face heat up from embarrassment, "Oh...that." I mumbled looking down at my paper. 

"So does that make you hate me or...?"

"No, I don't hate you. I'm flattered that you might like me." I said awkwardly shifting in my seat. 

"Do you like me? Not that it matters but I'm curious." he asked with this random boost of confidence. "Cause unlike Harry and Tomina, I could see us working."

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