Chapter Eighteen

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"Zayn." I said bitterly looking back down in my bag. 

"Violet." he chuckled making me roll my eyes. "I'm back."

I looked up at him, "Obviously." I mumbled as I finally found my phone. "What do you want?"

"A hug, a hello...something." he answered taking a step closer. "I haven't seen you in months."

"Did you see Tomina yet?" I asked making him roll his eyes.

He nodded, "She was the first person I saw...what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, now if you don't mind I need to go home." I said looking down at my phone to text Henry. 

"I just talked to Henry, he had something to do after school. I can take you home." he offered making me sigh. "C'mon, you don't want to miss Empire."

I rolled my eyes and followed after Zayn as he walked towards his car. I should have just stayed and waited but I really can't miss Empire, it was the mid-season finale, I had to see what happens. I got in his car and it was like a million memories flashed through my head. I can't believe he's back. He drove in silence with nothing but Adele playing quietly.

"So how was life while I was gone?" he asked not taking his eyes off the road.

 "I'm pretty sure Tomina kept you updated." 

He chuckled, "She did but I still want to know." he said turning down the radio. "I heard you stopped hanging out with Luke and them, I never wanted that to happen-"

"No it's not your fault. I just needed to be by myself." I mumbled interrupting him. "How was LA?"

"It was fun." he smiled. "I had a really good time getting to know myself out there and being around new things."

"Did you bring me back anything?" I jokingly asked.

"Yeah I actually did."

I turned to look at him, "Was it a keychain? I love cute souvenirs."

"Kinda," he said as he pulled up into the driveway of my house. "It's kind of corny but I think you'll like it."

He unbuckled his seat belt and reached for something in the back. I waited patiently as he pulled a black bag onto his lap and shuffled through his stuff before pulling out a small bag. He gave me a small smile before handing it to me.

"I was working on some music stuff and a lot of it was inspired by you so I recorded a bunch of demos of songs I wrote a while back." he explained as a pulled out a CD case with a bunch of doodles on them. I then pulled out a small booklet. "Those are my drawings and stuff I did when I was bored, I know how you like my art so I made one for you, I gave one to Tomina too."

"This is sweet, Zayn." I mumbled flipping through the booklet. "You didn't have to."

He sighed, "There's also something we still need to talk about." It was silent for a while before he continued. "When I told you I was leaving we talked about what would happen when I came know between us."

"About you not wanting to be with me." I responded making him nod. "So..."

"T-the thing is I met someone." he said making my heart break.

I had a feeling something like this would happen but I didn't know how much it would hurt. There were so many thoughts running through my head. I didn't know how to react or respond so I sat there fidgeting with the hem of my hideous uniform shirt trying to think of something to do or say.

"It wouldn't be fair if I didn't tell you." he went on. "She actually came back with me and I wanted to tell you in person instead of you finding out some other way. It's not fair the way things happened and I know it's soon but I think I love her and-"

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