Chapter Sixteen

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"Have you spoken to Zayn?" Michael asked out of the blue. "You know ever since the whole bonfire thing."

I looked down at my hands, "Not really." I answered.

"You can't stay mad at him forever, I mean it wasn't his fault you overreacted." Calum bluntly said making the rest of he boys shift awkwardly on the couch. "All I'm trying to say is that the whole thing was stupid to begin with."

"Don't be an asshole." Michael laughed hitting Cal on the arm. "But he's right, you gotta talk to the poor guy, it's been weeks."

They were right, I need to swallow my pride and talk to Zayn. I mean it's not like it was all his fault. I need to stop being so dramatic and talk to him.

"Let's go on a walk." Luke suggested, I guess he could tell I didn't want to talk about Zayn.

The last time I hung out with Luke outside of school without the other boys was probably months ago. This is how you can tell that we haven't been hanging out for a while. Lately I've been thinking about how much has changed, how much I have changed. I don't think its necessarily a bad thing but something seems off.

"You okay?" Luke asked as we left Michael's house. "Ever since the beach you've seemed kind of weird."

I shrugged, "I don't know everything's been really confusing." I answered looking up at the blue sky, I couldn't think about Zayn without remembering what Luke said that same night. He was my best friend, I shouldn't have felt anything when he said what he said.

"Well I'm here for you." Luke said wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I know it was a casual thing but I couldn't help but feel weird about it.

I shook off my thoughts and pulled out my phone only to see a text from Zayn asking where I was. I didn't know whether to answer or to ignore him, after a long minute of thinking about it I ignored it.

Luke chuckled, "You're still going to ignore him?" he asked taking my phone from my hands, his face expression hanged when he looked down at my phone.

"What is it?" I asked trying to snatch my phone back.

"'s just this picture of you and Zayn." he mumbled handing my phone back.

I looked down at my phone background, it was a picture Tomina took of Zayn and I when we went on the double date with her and Michael. Zayn had his arm wrapped around me while kissing my cheek, you could tell I was blushing in the picture thanks to my red cheeks. I smiled to myself as I replayed that moment in my head, I wish I could go back.

I could feel myself turning red, "Even though I hate him right now, I love this picture." I smiled to myself before looking up at Luke. "I can't explain it, he pisses me off a lot but I can't see myself cutting him out of my life."

"Well he seems like an ass." Luke scoffed, I know he's trying to look out for me but I couldn't help but get a little defensive.

I rolled my eyes, "I thought he was an ass too but he's not. People look at him like he's a criminal but he's not. He's the sweetest and dorkiest person I know and when I'm around him I feel like I'm floating. It's corny and cheesy but he's so special." Once I finished, I realized how much of a jerk I've been to Zayn, I know I've been mad at him but this just made me realize how much I messed up. "I gotta go, tell the rest of the guys I said bye."

Without letting Luke respond I walked away, I know it was rude but I had to find Zayn. I pulled out my phone and texted for Zayn to pick me up. I knew he would answer, even though I haven't spoken to him in a while, I knew he couldn't get mad at me which made me feel even worse. After waiting a couple minutes Zayn's car pulled up beside me, he came just in time since it started to rain.

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