Chapter Seventeen

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I didn't really care to be at school but I was forced to by Mary.  I held my new schedule in my hands, I decided to transfer my credits over so I didn't have to take so many classes. I had my schedule shortened to 3 classes instead of 6 which means that I only had to show up for the last half of school which is right after lunch. As I walked into the lunchroom I made eye contact with the boys I used to call my best friends, I quickly looked away and walked over to where Henry was.

"Hey, your mom just dropped me off." I said sitting beside Henry who was with his group of friends and handing him his lunch. "She wanted me to drop off your lunch." 

"You gonna sit in here today?" he asked looking through his food.

I snorted, "When do I ever sit in here?" I asked looking down at my hands. "It's been months."

"Yeah well I'll see you after school." he smiled as I got up and walked away.

Let's just say the past couple of months has been weird ever since Zayn left. Everything was fine at first, we talked a lot and he always managed to call me to tell me about his day but after a while he became busy and the calls stopped. I don't blame him, I mean I was the one that told him that I'd be ok if he didn't want to be with me anymore. I used to wait for his call but as the days went by I slowly lost hope. Ever since that I started focusing on myself which meant cutting off a lot of people I once cared about. 

"Hey." a boy with a very deep voice said from behind as I tried opening my locker. "You're Violet aren't you?" 

I nodded, "Yeah I'm Violet. Who are you?" I asked turning around to see a tall boy. 

"I go by V." he smiled holding his hand out. 

"V?" I asked struggling to get my locker open. 

He chuckled, "My name is too hard for people to pronounce so I go by V." he said gently pushing me aside and opening my jammed locker door for me. 

"I like V, it fits you plus my friends call me Vi. It's kind of the same." (btw Vi is pronounced like die) I said grabbing my books out of my locker. "Thanks."

I looked down at my schedule to see that I have Ms.Harris next. As I began walking so did V, turned slightly to see him walking beside me casually. I looked up at him, he had shaggy light brown hair that was slightly covered by the hood of his black hoodie that he had underneath his leather jacket. To be honest, V was actually kind of attractive. 

"Is something wrong?" he asked looking down at me. 

I shook my head, "No, you're just really nice to look at." I said making him laugh. "How tall are you?" 

"178 cm. Why?" 

"Just wondering." I answered, I'm only 5'2 and standing next to him made me feel so small. "What's that like 5'10?"

He shrugged, "Are you headed to Mr.Harris too?" 

"Yeah, I just changed my schedule." I said as we turned the corner to the main hall. 

The bell rang just as we walked into class. I waited by Mr.Harris until everyone came in so he could give me a proper introduction. I watched as V sit at a table with 2 other boys and a girl. Soon after the class began to fill up, this was a pretty big class since there's six people to each table. Mr.Harris explained last nights homework as I stood quietly by his desk waiting to sit down.

"This is Violet, she's going to be joining us from now on." he said making everyones eyes turn to look at me. "You can sit at table 3. Keeley raise your hand."

The girl, Keeley, sitting at the table with V raised her hand and I walked over to take one of the two open seats. I sat there awkwardly as Mr.Harris went on with his lecture. I could tell this was a mixed class because there were some students that are a year younger. 

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