Chapter Thirty (The End)

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I hesitated before knocking on the door. I was nervous, scratch that, terrified.

The door swung open, "Vi?"

"Hey." I smiled looking at the surprised boy.

"You came."

I nodded, "Yeah, I did."

"I didn't think you actually would." he admitted.

"Me neither."

He smiled, "I thought you basically broke up with me. I thought we were done for good, you know."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about how things went earlier, I felt horrible." I said shifting awkwardly.

"No, it's fine." he smiled.

God, the smile that could save a life. This is how I'd like to remember him the beautiful boy with the beautiful smile that couldn't help but make my heart skip a beat.

"You look cute in your little suit." I smiled, this was the first time I seen him in a suit, it fit him.

He chuckled, "My mom forced me to wear this." he said leaning against the door frame. "It's suffocating me honestly."

"Well, I think you look handsome." I complimented causing his cheeks to turn bright pink.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I can tell something's on your mind."

"I'm so sorry." I said fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "I'm sorry for everything that I have put you through."

"I'm okay. It was never my intention to put you in a situation like this." he said. "It hurts me to see you like this."

I smiled, "You've always been too sweet to me, V."

"Anything for you."

I seem like I waited years before I finally spoke, "V, I didn't come here for..." I hated that I couldn't finish what I had to say. I hated that I had to do this.

He nodded finally understanding why I actually came, "Oh."

The smile that's usually plastered on his face was gone because of me. My heart hurt knowing that I had to break his. He was the sweetest, most caring person I've ever met and I know he didn't deserve this. It's hard to break the heart of the person who's given you nothing but happiness and support. I know for a fact that if I stayed with him, we would have a good relationship, a genuine and happy relationship.

"I get it." he sighed. "Honestly, I should have seen this coming, you were always in love with him."

"No, I'm not here to tell you that I choose Zayn over you, I'm here to tell you I'm leaving. I owe you that."

"You're leaving?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm not choosing anyone. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."

"Why can't you yell at me and tell me how selfish I am?" I asked.

"Because I love you and that would make me selfish. I want you to be happy, Violet." he answered. My heart broke. "You deserve it."

I started tearing up, "I know we would have been great."

"It's okay," he said bring his hand up to my face and wiping away my tears. "Why are you crying? Don't cry, Vi. Look, you could sit here with me tonight and I could make you fall in love with me and convince you that we would work out, we'd probably own 2 dogs and have a cute long distance relationship where I would take surprise trips to see you and we'd eventually get married but deep down you know that you'd regret not telling Zayn that he's the one. So, stop wasting your time here, go."

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