Chapter One

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"Hey," Henry smiled sitting beside me in the dining room. "How was your first day? I didn't see you yesterday at lunch."

I sighed pushing my plate away from me, "I was there for a little then I left to figure out my schedule."

"Did you meet anyone?" Mary asked placing a cup of orange juice down on the table for me. "First days are always the best."

I shook my head, "I did meet one person, his name's Zayn." Henry gave me a weird expression. "What?"

"Nothing." he lied taking a bite out of his toast. "It's just he's a bit of a weirdo. He usually hangs out with himself unless he's with Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry."

I rolled my eyes, "What are they the 'bad boys'?" I asked air quoting bad boys.

"Not really. Niall and Louis play football with me and Liam and Harry are more known around school." he said with his mouth full.

"So they're jocks and popular."

Henry rolled his eyes. "Zayn's different, he's more quiet and to himself but those 5 boys are the bestsest of friends. I'm friends with all of them except Zayn, he's not a people person."

We both continued on with breakfast but I was still thinking about Zayn. He didn't seem like he was an ass. Maybe poeple just have to actually get to know him. Henry decided to leave early to pick up a friend on our way to school and him being my only ride, I couldn't say no. I sat in the back trying to finish last minute homework I got for math. Once we came to a stop I looked up to see 2 boys walking to the car. The curly haired boy from yesterday sat in front while the other David Beckham looking one sat beside me.

"Oh, yeah this is Harry and Liam." Henry introduced starting the car. "Boys this is my 'sister' for now but you can call her Violet." Mary and Dacid insisted that we called each other brother and sister since they're my "family" now.

Liam smiled at me, "So this is the girl that made Louis look stupid." he chuckled making me remember the horrific scene that happened in 1st period.

"Yeah it was hilarious." Harry shouted turning back to face Liam and I. "So Violet, I seen you and Zayn in the of the class cozying it up. What's that about?"

I looked down at my paper rolling my eyes, "We were just talking. He was being nice."

"Exactly, Zayn's a cool guy but he usually doesn't act nice like that to strangers....or anyone." Harry went on making me smirk. Before I could reply I noticed we pulled up in the parking lot. "Speaking of the devil." Harry chuckled getting out of the car and opening the door for me.

I stuffed my papers into my bag and I got out of the car. I look up to see Louis, Zayn and another guy, who I'm guessing is Niall, leaning against the car beside Henry's. I tunred around to look for Henry but he was already off hanging out with his soccer-scratch that- his football buddies. I was still trying to get use to the different meanings some words mean here.

"This is Henry's exchange sister?" Niall asked with a nice Irish accent, blocking the sun from his face. Harry nodded sitting on the hood of Henry's car.

"Well I'm gonna go." I awkwardly said trying to squeeze my way through the 5 boys.

Louis stopped me, "Harry, Zayn and I have 1st period with you anyways you might as well stay." I sighed and walked back to the end of the car.

I was going through Tumblr on my phone trying to make it through the next 10 minutes. I felt the heat of someone beside me and I looked up to see Zayn. He was looking straight ahead not even noticing me so I went back to focus on Tumblr. I was reblogging a Destiel scene when Zayn chuckled to himself.

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