Chapter Twenty

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I walked through the empty halls
hoping no one would see me. I made it to my locker and grabbed everything I needed before heading to class. I quietly opened the classroom door praying no one would notice.

"Glad to see you could finally make it to class." Mr.Harris said causing the class to look up at me. "40 minutes late, really?"

"Sorry." I mumbled walking to my seat. I wasn't supposed to come today but Henry literally hauled me out of bed.

I quickly took out my notebook and began taking notes. I really didn't want to see or talk to anyone. Since I missed majority of class I didn't really do much but check Neko Atsume and play 1010. For the last 10 minutes of class Mr.Harris let us chill so I sat there scrolling through tumblr.

"Hey," Tomina mumbled causing me to look up at her. "Why were you late?"

I shrugged, "Henry made me come to school." I answered before looking back down at my phone.

Before she could say anything else the bell rang, I collected my things and rushed my way out the door. I'm so exhausted and all I want to do is sleep. I slept all weekend but somehow that wasn't enough. I just want to curl up in a ball and sleep for a whole month. As I was headed to art I heard someone shouting my name so I stop and turn around to see V running towards me.

"You walk really fast." he mumbled out of breath. "Hey."

"Hey, V." I said as he followed me. "Where are you headed?"

He smiled, "I'm walking you to class." he answered looking down at me. "I have a free period next so I thought I might as well since I have nothing better to do."

"You don't have to." I mumbled trying not to get consumed by the crowded hallway. "It's not like Mr.Johnson's class is super far away or anything."

"Yeah but I want to." he said trying to keep up with my pace. "So uh how was your weekend?"

I shrugged, "I slept so it was good I guess." I answered opening the door to Mr.Johnson's class. "Well I'm here so thanks for walking me to class."

"Wait," V said grabbing my hand. "We should talk about what happened last week."

"No we shouldn't." I sighed pulling my hand away. "I gotta go."

I quickly walked into class and made my way to my seat by Henry who was very focused on his drawing. Mr.Johnson still hasn't been back so we've had the same substitute who was a nice short middle aged woman who loved to yell for no reason. I pulled out my phone to check on my cats only to see 10 new text messages from Tomina of screenshots of hers and V's conversation. They were talking about me, it was kinda cute actually, V kept asking Tomina to talk to me for him.

"What are you smiling at?" Henry asked snatching my phone out of my hands. "Aw how cute." he chuckled reading my texts. "Why don't you talk to him?"

I rolled my eyes, "Because the last time I saw him was when I cried my ass off over my there's not much for us to talk about." I mumbled grabbing my phone.

"You're so annoying." he groaned making me laugh. "Why are you so negative all the time? You're such an ass all the time like don't you get tired?"

"Shut up, I just don't want to talk to him."

"Cause you kinda like him but you feel guilty cause you love Zayn." he said. "Listen even if you don't like him he's friendly and you need more friends."

I scoffed, "I have friends, okay."

"Tomina and I don't really count." he chuckled.

"Then I have no friends."

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