Chapter Nine

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I sat alone at a random bakery waiting for my group. It's been 10 minutes, I could have been with Luke eating the best fucking pasta in the world but instead I'm waiting for these cunts. Zayn and Harry were the first to show up then Tomina. We all sat in silence before Harry spoke.

"Should we make a sculpture of a bird?" he asked making Tomina groan. "It's a good idea."

"Mate, the concept of the project is to put our personalities together and create art." Zayn mumbled rolling his eyes at the confused Harry.

"What do you think we should do then?" Harry asked wrapping his arm around Tomina. "We can meet after school to brainstorm."

Tomina nodded, "Harry and I are usually together after school anyways so it's up to the two of you if you guys want to or not." she said before taking a bite of Zayn's cookie.

"Sure, whatever." Zayn said looking down at his phone. 

I shrugged, "We all have last period together so I guess." 

"But for now we should get an overall idea of what exactly we all want to do." Zayn said pulling out a piece of paper and pen. "Painting, sculpture, drawing, or whatever. We have to decide."

"I want to do a painting." Tomina said making Zayn nod in agreement. 

Zayn smiled, "That would be so sick. All four of us doin a painting." 

"I like that." Harry grinned. "All of us as a team."

Zayn sketched up something as the rest of us sat around. Harry was pretty much spending his time kissing up to Tomina while she was on her phone. I was just waiting for this to be over so I could head over to Luke's to help him set up for tonights. I couldn't wait to go see him, he's probably the only person that can deal with my bullshit.

"Any of you going to Hemming's party?" Zayn asked while continuing to finish his sketch. "I heard it was going to be crazy."

Harry chuckled, "Can't, Tomina and I have to study for our finals coming up."

"I kinda want to go...I love watching you get drunk, Harry." she said making Zayn roll his eyes. "Plus, Zayn's going and it's a blast getting to drive his drunk ass home...and of course Violet's going, her boyfriend's throwing the party."

"Not my boyfriend." I laughed. "But your boyfriend will totally be there."

"And who's that?" she asked.

"Yeah, who's that?" Zayn asked dropping the pen and looking up at us. "Last time I check the only person she was kissing was her Neymar poster."

"Well, Michael of course." I answered making them roll their eyes. 

"That's not her boyfriend." Harry and Zayn both said unison. 

"Like Zayn said, my only boyfriend is my Neymar poster." she mumbled turning her phone over to show me her photoshop picture of Neymar hugging her.

I laughed, "That's so cute."

"Thanks, Louis and Niall helped me with it. Niall has the weirdest pictures of Neymar on his phone." she smiled putting her phone away. "Zayn are you done yet?"

"Wait up, babe. Be patient." Zayn mumbled concentrating on his work. "Why don't you guys just leave. This might take a long time."

"Alright then. Bye guys." I said getting up. 

After walking 2 miles I finally got to Luke's house. I was standing on his porch literally frozen. It felt like years before he finally opened the door for me. I've only been to his house a few time, usually he's over at my place or at Calum's. I knew his whole family was out of town so I didn't expect there to be anybody else beside us.

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