Chapter 32

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Lukes POV

With that. I ran out of the corridor, sniffling away the tears. She's lying I know it. I know her too well. I know that her eyes change shade when she's lying. They go from a hazel to a green. She stutters on her words. She will scratch her collar bone,fiddle with her fingers and tap her feet. She looked away from me, like she was ashamed of her words. She was crying and shaking. If she didn't want me then why was she saying that she didn't? I also saw her collapse to the floor in streams of tears. If she didn't want me, she wouldn't be reacting this way. How do I get her back? I know she doesn't want him. I know full well she's just trying to prove a point that she can have someone and pretend she's over me. She isn't. I know that.

I walked into the seating area and Jake was talking to Tyler. Tyler looked like he wanted to fucking kill me. His fists were clenched, his jaw was tight and his eyes gave off anger. I gave him a look of how pathetic he was being then walked towards the door.

"Oi! What did you say to her?" A voice from behind said. I turned and saw Jake.

"Nothing but the truth" I muttered.

"Well don't be talking to her again!" He warned me and I shook my head. I walked closer to him so we were face to face.

"Listen here! You take care of her because she is kind and fragile!" I said poking him roughly in the top of the chest "And I swear to god if you hurt her! I will have you down!" I spat then walked down the hallway leaving him speachless.

Fans were gathered round the enterance, they were calling my name and taking photos of me with tears streaming down my face. I ignored them and headed towards the taxi. Once I was in I broke down. I sound so pathetic. Crying over someone. But she was my everything. We had so many memories together,she was literally all I wanted and the person I trusted the most.

'New message- Mum x

Hey love, I've sent some plane tickets down to your house so you,Cara and Jayde can come visit :) x'

How she doesn't know...Its all over twitter and I guess I will probably get all them questions in the interview. 

'Why did you break up?'

'What happened to wanting to marry her?'

'Who's she dating now?'

'Who ended it with who?'

Questions along them lines really.

Before I knew it the car and pulled up outside the house. I ran upto the flat then punched a few walls. I stormed into the kitchen and opened the fridge in anger then pulled out a crete of beers. I ran into my room then turned the music on full blast and downed my sorrows in beer.

We had a interview today so with a hangover I crawled out of bed and threw on my usual outfit. Skinny jeans,plaid top and converse. I sprayed my hair so it was in a pefect quiff then walked to the car where I was joined with the boys.

"What happened last night?" Calum asked.

"Just leave it" I snapped "She has" I added. Michael sloached in his seat then Ashton gave him a look. What do they know that I don't?

"What's wrong with you two?" I asked curious on why they are acting so strange.

They both exchanged looks then Michael prepared to speak.

"I spoke to her last night after you left. She was pretty wrecked up..." Michael seemed to not know how to finish his sentence.

"More then wrecked up you idiot" Ashton muttered to him.

"Just tell me you idiots!" I snapped.

"Boys. Out of the car now" The guard said and we walked out. 

Great just as Michael looked like he was going to tell me.

What the fuck is happening!

Once we walked in the radio studio some fans were sat in the studio waiting for us.

"Okay we're live" The radio host said.

He introduced us then 5 minutes into the interview he began to ask about her.

"Luke I honestly have to ask. What happened between you and your girlfriend? Everyone loved you and her!" He said.

"I don't know. At first I thought it was a good thing because I travel a lot and I know she hates being alone so when I broke up with her I thought it was for the best. God was I wrong. I honestly don't care if she's listening because she knows how much I love her" I said.

"Did you see the twitter conversation she was in with her friend this morning?" He asked.

"No? What was it?" I asked.

"It started with her friend saying '@caraannerich  Keeps calling her ex hot ;) Tbh I think he is too. @Luke5SOS'  Cara then replied with '@Idkkeeley Just because we're over doesn't mean I can't say he's hot. But shh bc he might see this'" He paused "Is there hope for you to get back together?" He added.

I thought for a moment then decided.

"No....Its over" I said.

Its over.

We're over.

This is the end.



This is a weird ass ending to this.




So yep there will be ANOTHER SEQUAL (probably the last) AFTER CHRISTMAS.

What do you want to happen in it? 



I'm sorry for the weird ending but I have a begining to the sequal in mind but I need more ideas for the rest of the story love you all millions.


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