Chapter 31

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Lukes POV

I sat in the local pub downing about my tenth drink, trying to drown my sorrows of loss. Its like i've died to her, I saw the way she looked at me when I walked out it was like she was secretly laughing at me. The bar was beginning to get more busy which meant more people staring at me and judging me for the state i'm in. 

With another drink down I am no longer in control with my actions, my brain was all fuzzy and everything was blurry.

"Joe! Joe Sugg! Over here!" A boy with a accent called out. I know a Joe Sugg I think...

I stumbled out of my seat and over to where the voice were coming from.

"Luke? Mate? What do you want?" He awkwardly said.

I mumbled a load of none sense and they must of thought I was crazy because they all started laughing at me.

"Its not fucking funny!" I yelled making the whole bar go quiet.

"Mate, calm down" He stood up and tried to calm me down.

"You hated me all along! You never wanted me near her!" What even am I fucking saying?

"Mate, your making no sense! Do you want me to call you a taxi?" He said but since the alcohol is now in control of my body I took a swing at him making him stumble onto the table knocking all the drinks over. He didn't punch back all he done was wipe the blood that was dripping from his nose away.

"What the fuck mate!" He yelled at me. I punch him again until he was on the floor. Some hands tugged me back and into the outside.

"Luke what the fuck!" A girl voice squeaked. I fell against the wall and threw up the contents on my stomach.

"Who is it?" I mumbled and fell to the ground.

"Cara" She puffed out. I mumbled a unreadable response.

"Get up i'll drive you home" She said in a moody tone.

She picked me up and basically carried me to her car. For a girl she's pretty strong. She done my seat belt and made sure I was in properly before she walked and got into the drivers side. I let out a gaging noise as I felt some sick rise in my throat.

"Don't you dare be sick in my car!" She warned me.

"Alright mum" I sarcastically replied.

She opened the window and I leaned my head out of it letting the cold air cool me down.

"Pull over!" I yelled.

"What? Why?" She said confused but pulled onto the path.

I ran to the grass and was sick again. Fuck why does alcohol always have this effect on me? 

Someone made a shadow cover me which soon lead to someone rubbing my back.

"Just because we're over doesn't mean I don't care" She mumbled.

That's when I remembered who it was. At first I just thought it was a random girl being nice and offering to take me home. But it wasn't.

"Cara" I hugged her and she lightly tapped my back.

"Let's just get you home" She said and walked away.

I forgot we broke up. Sometimes it doesn't seem real.

Some how I fucking ended up in a pub 3 hours away from where my flat is but she stuck with me and drove me all the way home. Why was she even in that pub if she lives the same distance away? Probably meeting Joe or did Caspar text her to say I was kicking off.

Forgetting you (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now