Chapter 13

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Cara's POV

I woke the next morning feel dizzy. Probably from the lack of sleep i've been getting these past few weeks. I know i have to get up and settle Jayde during the night but nightmares are keeping me awake and i can't settle myself back into a sleep. I cry myself to sleep alot thinking of who's she's with. I'm getting frustrated at the fact Luke and James decide they want to fight things out now of all times. Mum is getting stressed because Katy hasn't came home. Mum said that Katy told her she was meeting 'friends' and we know James knows something but he is refusing to tell. James can be really uncaring sometimes, only thinks about his self. No else in his life is important but him. He thinks he owns them, by telling them what to do, how to do it, where they can go and where they can go. He was the worst mistake I have ever made. Taht and what I said last night. "if you carry on like this neither of you can have me" was what I said. I don't want James. He's an abusive lying prick. Luke on the other hand is different. He's so calming, caring, sweet. He knows how to cheer me up when he knows i'm sad. He's always had the time for me and Jayde. He's the sweetest person i have been with. He's so gentle with me. His smile just makes me smile. His eyes i could get lost in. The way his lips feel when they are connected to mine, they are soft and sweet. His lip ring would lay on the corner of my mouth while my lip stud sat on the other side of his lip. He has a warm cuddle and when his arm is wrapped around me while we walk through a crowded area or when we try to get past a mob of fans would make me feel proctected. I'm in love with him but the question would be does he still love me as much as I love him?

I splashed my face with water and brushed my teeth. When I walked into my room i pulled on a pair of leggings, a white top and a hoddie to put over the top as it is very cold out. I hate to think if Jayde is out in this weather, she's probably freezing. My poor baby is freezing, out somewhere. The worst thing is not knowing if she's dead or alive.

I walked into the kitchen and everyone was sitting on the sofa.

"Morning" They all said. James jumped up to walk over to me but Luke got there first and pulled me into one of his warm hugs. He kissed my forehead gently and i smiled.

"The police are going to continue the search today. So I was wondering if you wanted to come to the recording place with us?" He asked.

"Wow Luke your fucking daughter is missing and all you care about it doing some stupid recording" James said in a snide tone.

"I'd love to" I smiled at him.

"You're so dumb ya'know Cara. You can't see what a selfish git he is?! You're blind" He spoke loudly with his hands all over the place.

"Get.Out." I said through gritted teeth.

"What?" He asked as if he didn't hear me.

"Get out!" I yelled and he picked his jacket up then walked down the stairs to the door.




"Cruel murders continue to swarm over central London. A women aged 45 shot brutal my a unamed man. Will have more news later" A news report said.

What if they have touched Jayde?

What if they have her?

What if's swarmed my head.

"Cara?" Ashton said.

I must of zoned out.

We pulled up at a big building. When we walked in people stared at me as if I didn't deserve to be here.


They walked into the recording booth and I sat on the sofa watching them record.

Many screams came from the outside of the room.

Probably just some fans.

I thought nothing of it until a gun shot went of. I stood up straight away. The boys came straight out and Luke walked over to me wrapping his arm around me as the door was being knocked on I began to shake.

It soon stopped and i let out a breathe of relief.

That was until the door smashed down onto the floor revealing the gun holder.


My dad...No suprise there. He always knows where to get a gun if he wanted one.

He fully walked in and grabbed tightly by the arms was my baby girl.


I ran over and he held the gun to her head.

"Come any closer and i'll pull the trigger" I said and I knew he would. I backed away and I kept my eye on her.

She was bruised. Looked ill. She had cuts all over her face.

"Do you want you kid back?" He said.

"Obviously" I snarled and he took the gun away.

"Well you do know that if I give her back I will have to kill one of you" He said looking at me then the boys.

"Kill me" Luke said nervously.

"No! Are you fucking crazy!" I said looking him in the eye.

Clarkson threw Jayde towards me and Ashton picked her up as I tried to persaude Luke that this isn't the right thing.

"I love you so much" He said kissing my head and I held in some tears "Tell Jayde that I love her so much" He smiled.

"I'll tell her that her dad was a brave man" I cried.

Luke pushed me away but I held onto his hand and Clarkson held the gun up then pulled the trigger.

The gun shoot went off and everything was silent




My mum bought me a new laptop so i can update fast now yaaay.

Ig- Stfumuke

twitter- @ashxokeeffe

kik- ashhemmo96


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