Chapter 21

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(A/N Ik derpcon is in november but for the sake of the story pretend its in december pls?)

Caras POV

"Fuck that plane ride was awful" I said rubbing my neck and Luke laughed.

"How'd you think I feel? I'm always travelling" He said and I shook my head. I don't really want to be thinking about the next time Luke will be leaving if i'm honest. I don't know when it will be but I know he needs to leave soon for something they are doing in LA. Its some kind of convention thing, all I know is you have to win tickets to be able to go.

"Luke when is that convention thing happening?" I asked and it caught him off gaurd.

"Erm...December 15th?" He said and I nodded. Its now November 29th. I have enough days with him I guess then he's back for Christmas.

"Am I invited?" I looked at him and he shook his head.

"Nope" He laughed.

"Rude" I joked.

I pulled out my phone the began to write a tweet.

'@Caraannerich- if you ever feel disowned just think....My own boyfriend wont let me go to his concert in LA'

I put my phone in my pocket and it vibrated seconds later.

'@Luke5SOS- @caraannerich Win the competition and you can come ;)'

It read, I couldn't be bothered to reply instead I went to the toilet that was in the airport. I changed Jaydes nappy then changed her clothes so she looks nice for when she see's her Nan, Granddad and maybe her uncles. I quickly fixed my hair, I left it down which for some reason it went curly even though my hair just goes all messy once i've had it up for ages or been asleep. I rubbed some foundation in, coloured my eyebrows in, done some mascara and added some lipstick. I sprayed myself then changed my top. Once I was finished I walked out and Luke was using Jaydes teddy as a puppet and 'getting it to talk'. 

I cleared my throat and his head spun round.

"How long have you been standing there for?" He raised a eyebrow.

"Long enough to her the story about the punk rock boy who fell in love with a moody tired person that smells and had a princess as a daughter" I pretended to be annoyed but couldn't help by finding it funny.

"You love me" He winked and I shook my head.

We walked further out of the airport and he kept staring at me.

"What?" I said becoming cautious that I might look bad.

"You've dress up? All we're doing is going to my parents house" He said like it was nothing.

"I've never met your family before. I want to make a effort. I don't want them to hate me" I rushed "They're gonna hate me aren't they?" I added beginning to panic.

"They're gonna love you" He stopped walking, making me stop too "You know why? Because I love you and also whats not to love about you?" He smiled and I blushed.

"Are you blushing?" He teased looking at me.

"No" I covered my cheeks but he tickled me.

"You are blushing!" I yelled out.

"I don't think the plane has left yet...Want me to go back to England?" I joked and he laughed.

"So easy to wind up" He laughed and put Jayde on his shoulders.




We reached outside his families house and my nerves began to rise.

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