Chapter 15

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Anthony has me taken to my room and strapped to the bed.

I don't know what he thinks I'm going to do, but he clearly thinks I am acting dangerously.

I imagine I have red, puffy eyes and tear streams down my face from the state I got into. I probably look a mess.

"There has been a change of plan, I'm afraid." Anthony says as he sits on the bed next to me.

"What do you mean by that? Liar." I say the last word quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

He chuckles, "Well, I had said since you were behaving and doing so well, I was going to help you get some of your memories back. But clearly you aren't fit for that." He smiles innocently.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you? You know I'm not crazy, you're making me feel like I'm crazy." I pull against the restraints on my arms. But what would I do to him even if I was free? 

"You can try and pin the blame on me. But we all know you are here for a reason." This time his smile was more like a cynical grin.

I glare at him in attempt to let him know I no longer trust him in the slightest.

I decide to play my own cards. If he knows of what I found, it means he's nervous and doesn't want me to know any more than I do.

"Where did you hide him, Anthony." I smirk.

I see the confidence in his eyes fade ever so slightly.


"You know who."

He says nothing. Just stares at me for a solid minute. It feels almost like a stand off. Who will cave first?

"You know what? I am due to take your blood sample." He gets up to retrieve his medical syringe.

He knows how I resist getting blood tests. I don't know why he needs it, or why he's so desperate to get it from me. But every time he has tried to take it, I have resisted like mad.

As he comes back to my bed. I writhe in it. Trying to escape from the restraints so tight that they cut into my skin.

He slowly extracts the blood from my vein. Leaving me feeling faint. 

"Why are you doing this? What are you doing with my blood? You never even give me any test results from what you take." 

"I have my own uses for it." 

He packs up his things and stands in my doorway.

"I'll be back in the morning to take another sample, if all goes well." He winks at me and turns the light out as he leaves.

I have no idea what he is talking about. But I know it can't be good. 

Everything has turned upside down in just a matter of days. Whatever Anthony is up to, Ahren has to know about it, but can I trust Ahren? Well he is the one after all that was trying to discover the truth about Anthony. I should try and get a message to him somehow in the morning.

But for now, maybe I should just try and get some sleep.

I let myself drift off, imagining what my real life might be like. And I start to dream.

"look at me. Come on, look at me." 

His sad eyes reluctantly meet mine.

"Now, you know I'm here. And I can help you through this. I will always be with you. It's you and me, baby." I wink at him, which earns a little smile.

"I know. But you just can't imagine how it feels. I...can't see people. I can't see if they are happy or sad, or if they have a nice smile. How can I live like that?"

"Easy, we can make a system. We will come up ways that you can remember who is who." I give him an eye smile "And remember the doctor said that as your brain adjusts, you will be able to see faces once you know who they are. you just have to hear their voice or recognize what they are wearing , so we will train you to do that." I ruffle his hair.

He chuckles a little, "The one thing I am glad of... Is that I can still see you." He comes close and presses his nose to mine, "I know every detail of this face like the back of my hand. The way you always keep your hair loose so it falls down your back. This little freckle on your cheek. And the way you smile, I could never forget it." He kisses me on the forehead, "Just don't ever get a haircut." 

I laugh. "Okay, I'll stay the same. For you." 

I am enjoying my dreams, when a loud crash interrupts them and wakes me up.

I still can't sit up, but I turn my head and crane my neck the best I can to listen to the commotion going on outside the room. 

I hear people running and shouting. And what sounds like policemen telling people to get down on the ground. 

A sudden urge to run fills my body. And I find myself yelling for help.

A few minutes go by, then Ahren comes rushing in and starts untying me from the bed.

"Thank goodness you're okay. Lets go, lets get out of here!" He says urgently.

"Wait, Why? What's happening?"

"Anthony has been arrested! It's all over!"

I find it very hard to process, "But...we have no where to go."

"Yes we do, I got them to contact your parents. I'm taking you home."

For the first time, real hope rises in my heart. Can it really all be over?

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